Brazilian Butt Lift - General Information

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift and what type of results can I expect with BBL surgeon, Matthew Schulman MD. Dr. Schulman is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in NYC and performs 6-8 BBLs per week. VIEW NOW

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Brazilian Butt Lift Uses Pure Fat For a Natural Augmentation

Dr. Lopez Tallaj demonstrates the process of a Brazilian Butt Lift, including the separation of the fat from the blood and the injection of the fat into the buttock area. VIEW NOW


Brazilian Butt Lift Uses Liposuction and Fat Transfer To Get Results

Dr. Matthew Schulman explains how BBLs take excess fat from unwanted areas of a patient's body and redistribute it to the buttocks and hips. VIEW NOW


What Does a Brazilian Buttlift Procedure Entail?

Dr. Kenneth Hughes takes us into the operating room as he performs a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure on a 120lb. patient. VIEW NOW

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Brazilian Butt Lift: The Hottest Trend in Fat Transfer

Dr. William Bruno introduces the Brazilian Butt Lift and explains both the procedure and what he considers to be the most important factor in a successful BBL procedure. VIEW NOW

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Brazilian Butt Lift Candidates: Weight and Skin Tone

Dr. William Bruno explains who the ideal candidate is for a Brazilian Butt Lift. VIEW NOW


Brazilian Butt Lift and Tummy Tuck Combo Surgery Pros and Cons

Can a Brazilian Butt Lift and tummy tuck procedure be performed at the same time? Dr. William Bruno weighs in. VIEW NOW


Buttocks Volume Loss After Massive Weight Loss

Doctor Bob Basu discusses treatment for volume loss in your buttocks after massive weight loss. VIEW NOW


What is a Body Sculpt Butt Lift

Doctor Pat Pazmino explains his technique, the "body sculpt butt lift," for performing Brazilian Butt Lifts. VIEW NOW


How Can I Get a Butt Like J. Lo?

Dr. Darryl Blinski describes two procedures surgeons use today in order to give their patients a fuller, rounder, perkier buttock. VIEW NOW


Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, or Combo Approach?

The rule use to be "one at a time," but nowadays, Dr. Mark Epstein says he can perform multiple procedures, such as an abdominoplasty, liposuction, and Brazilian Butt Lift on a patient at one time. VIEW NOW

Are Celebrity Photos an Acceptable Jumping Off Point?

Dr. Ricardo Meade points out that the patient who brings in a photo of the celebrity saying they don't want to go that big is the best patient. He says that setting reasonable expectations is the first step to being satisfied. VIEW NOW

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