Can adding patient's own fresh blood to the centrifuged fat increase the chances of more fat survival?

February 16, 2014
Asked By:jasmine2

I am seeing doctors in my area for correction of my problem. Since, I m very sensitive about the second surgery and looking for an expert, I have consulted an american board-certified doctor with around 25 years of experience in the USA. His theory is to add patient's blood (probably purified) to the purified fat before transferring. I asked another doctor, who said why purify fat, when u have to add blood later on? That is also a point. Is it a proven theory or is it another marketing gimmic?

Answers (5)

From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
February 20, 2014

Answer: Fat transfer and PRP

1 person found this helpful
Nima Shemirani, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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February 20, 2014

Answer: Fat transfer and PRP

1 person found this helpful
Nima Shemirani, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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February 19, 2014

Answer: Unknown

1 person found this helpful
A.J. Amadi, MDOculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
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February 19, 2014

Answer: Unknown

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A.J. Amadi, MDOculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
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February 19, 2014

Answer: Adding PRP to your harvested fat may improve its survival.

1 person found this helpful
John J. Martin, Jr., MDOculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
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February 19, 2014

Answer: Adding PRP to your harvested fat may improve its survival.

1 person found this helpful
John J. Martin, Jr., MDOculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
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February 28, 2014

Answer: Fat transfer with blood

1 person found this helpful
February 28, 2014

Answer: Fat transfer with blood

1 person found this helpful
February 23, 2014

Answer: Adding Patient's Blood to fat grafting?

1 person found this helpful
February 23, 2014

Answer: Adding Patient's Blood to fat grafting?

1 person found this helpful