Needles vs. Cannulas for Lip Filler

Cannulas look like needles, but they have a rounded, blunt tip vs a sharp, pointed tip. The blunt tip of a cannula means less risk of piercing a blood vessel. Cannulas provide more accuracy and often little to no bruising when using cannulas. VIEW NOW

Cannula vs. Needle for Dermal Filler

Using cannulas lowers the possibility of swelling and bruising that typically comes from injections with needles. Swelling and bruising is common when getting any filler, it is less likely to happen with an experienced injector who uses cannulas. VIEW NOW

When Did People Start Looking So Overfilled?

Too much filler makes people start to look odd and people start looking alike. The problem is not only too much filler but also filler improperly placed. Ideally placed filler can provide balance and youthful fullness. Too much filler ages you. VIEW NOW

Kysse Lip Filler

Restylane Kysse ???? is the most natural feeling and appearing lip filler on the market today. It was formulated especially for lips, and we love Kysse at Bawa Medical. VIEW NOW

Get the SKINNEY Look

Skinney MedSpa specializing in non-invasive CoolSculpting, body & Botox, laser hair removal and procedures for all things beauty. VIEW NOW

How Do I Choose the Right Surgery?

Spend 60 Second with Dr. Guyuron to learn how to choose the right plastic surgery procedure for your face. #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #bahmanguyuron VIEW NOW

???? PLUMP KYLIE JENNER LIPS #beforeandafter?

My young, beautiful patient was excited to get filler for the very first time. She just wanted some subtle lip enhancement and balancing, rather than looking voluptuous and overdone. VIEW NOW

Lip Filler & Lip Flip

What is a lip flip?! Watch this video to see how you can enhance your lips with neurotoxin such as Dysport or Xeomin, both with and without lip filler. Our patient here received lip filler Kysse as well. VIEW NOW

Ignite Medispa® - Concepts for facial contouring: a precis by Dr Niro Sivathasan

The harmonic interplay of light and shadow is what creates striking beauty. It is important to not just consider the person's desired transformation, nor to only correct obvious signs of ageing, but to also evaluate proportion and balance. VIEW NOW

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Everything you ever wanted to know about dermal fillers (and more!)

How do fillers differ from other injectable treatments and how do I know which is right for me? Find out which options are best for correcting different types of wrinkles and my top tips for optimizing your results. VIEW NOW

Beautiful Natural Looking Lip Fillers

Dr. Onir injects multiple patients with Filler in the lips to add volume and define their shape. Throughout the video she explains her technique and includes before and after Photos VIEW NOW


Adding subtle, natural looking volume to the lips for this first time client. We usually recommend starting with 0.5ml and then building upon this volume if necessary. VIEW NOW

Lip Fillers at VIVA

A beautifully subtle lip enhancement at VIVA Skin Clinics. All of our treatments are completely bespoke so your treatment plan will be developed during your virtual consultation. VIEW NOW

What to expect from a VIVA lip filler treatment.

At VIVA we specialise in delivering natural look filler results. Our lip filler treatments are designed around you, enhancing your natural pout and adding beautiful volume. VIEW NOW

FFS and VFS 6 Day Post Op

In this video you see a patient's before and after photo and hear her voice only 6 days after surgery. VIEW NOW