Skin Laxity and Plastic Surgery - Dr. Earle Miami Plastic Surgeon

So, I want to discuss the subject of skin laxity. Okay. It's often a subject that's not well understood by patients and it's very, very important in terms of the expectations for your final outcome. VIEW NOW


What does "Trust the Process" mean?

Dr. Alex Earle Miami Plastic Surgeon One of the most common phrases you're going to hear after surgery is "trust the process". What does that mean? VIEW NOW


The Plastic Surgery Emotional Rollercoaster

Dr. Alex Earle Top Miami Plastic Surgeon What to expect with the plastic surgery emotional rollercoaster. I always like to tell my patients that after surgery, they're going to hop on what we call a physical and emotional roller coaster. VIEW NOW


We continue to get loads of messages of patients who want to understand why we are adamant that BBL can be done safely. Check out our video demo of EVL fatgrafting technique. VIEW NOW

What if you have your period the day of surgery | Elite Plastic Surgery

??It’s that time of the month for you ladies and your surgery date is here! Take a look at this informative video with Dr. Salama where he explains what to expect if you find yourself in this situation. VIEW NOW

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Why You Should Quit Smoking Before Plastic Surgery | Elite Plastic Surgery

Most patients who smoke question whether or not they should quit smoking before their plastic surgery procedure. In this video, Dr. Moises Salama addresses the issue of smoking before any plastic surgery procedure. VIEW NOW

Can I breastfeed after a breast? surgery? | Dr. Moises Salama Answers Most Common Questions

Can I breastfeed after a breast? procedure? Dr. Salama answers the most commonly asked question regarding breastfeeding and having breast surgery. VIEW NOW

Do I Need Breast Augmentation Or A Breast Lift?

Do I need a Breast Augmentation? or a Breast Lift? Many patients ask themselves this question. Watch Dr. Salama explain how he evaluates what breast procedure you would need to achieve your desired results. VIEW NOW

Breast Explant Surgery with Fat Grafting 6 Months Later

This patient had breast explant surgery with a J wrap breast lift 6 MONTHS AGO. This week, she had a fat transfer to her breasts. It is optimal to wait at least 6 months post explant surgery to allow for adequate healing time for best results. VIEW NOW

Breast Augmentation + Fat Transfer + Liposuction

Fat grafting can both naturally increase the overall volume of your breast (without implants) & help with symmetry of the breasts when getting breast implants. VIEW NOW

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Male to female breast enhancement transaxillary route

35 year transgender enroute gender reassignment surgery got silicon implants for breast augmentation with no scar under the breast. This is 10th post operative day video. VIEW NOW