7 days post-op upper bleph incision dehiscence shortly after Steri-Strips removal

October 12, 2016
Asked By:RealSelfMember203940 in NJ

7 days post-op after Steri-Strips removal (ABSORBABLE sutures) I immediately discovered ~3/8" incision dehisence. Prior to this, recovery was easy and uneventful. My surgeon will put in a stitch today to correct. How common is this, and what can I expect in terms of scar prognosis? Also, how well do lumps and textures around upper lid incision resolve? For reference, I'm 53, non-smoker, healthy, fit, with very good skin texture. I also had trans-conjunctival lower bleph done same day. Thank you.

Answers (6)

From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
November 2, 2016

Answer: My eyelid sutures have opened up. What do I need to do?

1 person found this helpful
Farhad Rafizadeh, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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November 2, 2016

Answer: My eyelid sutures have opened up. What do I need to do?

1 person found this helpful
Farhad Rafizadeh, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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October 13, 2016

Answer: Problems after blepharoplasty

1 person found this helpful
Andrew Campbell, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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October 13, 2016

Answer: Problems after blepharoplasty

1 person found this helpful
Andrew Campbell, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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October 13, 2016

Answer: These are not uncommon.

1 person found this helpful
Kenneth D. Steinsapir, MDOculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
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October 13, 2016

Answer: These are not uncommon.

1 person found this helpful
Kenneth D. Steinsapir, MDOculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
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October 12, 2016

Answer: Wound dehiscence 1 week after upper blepharoplasty

1 person found this helpful
Michael I. Echavez, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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October 12, 2016

Answer: Wound dehiscence 1 week after upper blepharoplasty

1 person found this helpful
Michael I. Echavez, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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October 20, 2016

Answer: Incision Dehiscence

October 20, 2016

Answer: Incision Dehiscence