Why I became a plastic surgeon

Watch to learn more about me and why I became a plastic surgeon to help such amazing patients. I practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. VIEW NOW

Why You Should Quit Smoking Before Plastic Surgery | Elite Plastic Surgery

Most patients who smoke question whether or not they should quit smoking before their plastic surgery procedure. In this video, Dr. Moises Salama addresses the issue of smoking before any plastic surgery procedure. VIEW NOW

So...what is a DIEP flap, anyway?

This video describes the vascular and muscle anatomy the lower abdomen, and how it is relevant to DIEP and other free flaps used for breast reconstruction. VIEW NOW

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Mammograms After Breast Augmentation

This video describes existing American Cancer Society recommendations for screening mammogram, and how to successfully get a mammogram with breast implants VIEW NOW

Upper pole fullness

This VLOG discusses how to achieve fullness of the upper pole, both in reconstruction and augmentation. VIEW NOW

Why use drains?

Drains are commonly used in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery...this video discusses why surgeons use drains. VIEW NOW

Breast Implants and Gunshot Injuries

Can breast implants prevent injury in penetrating trauma, including gunshots? This video discusses scientific research that suggests it's possible! VIEW NOW

When can patients have surgery after COVID diagnosis?

This video discusses when patients who test COVID positive can safely have surgery, based on research recently published. VIEW NOW

Safety in DIEP surgery

This VLOG discusses patient safety in DIEP surgery, with an emphasis on newly published research in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. VIEW NOW

Can I breastfeed after a breast? surgery? | Dr. Moises Salama Answers Most Common Questions

Can I breastfeed after a breast? procedure? Dr. Salama answers the most commonly asked question regarding breastfeeding and having breast surgery. VIEW NOW

Breast revision with Galaflex scaffold

Here I show how I wrap a breast implant with Galaflex aka "ravioli." This surgical scaffold is dissolvable micro-filament that provides immediate support for breast tissue. VIEW NOW


Tissue Expansion in Breast Reconstruction

A breast tissue expander is designed to stretch the skin to make room for a future, more permanent implant. Dr. Doubek injects a solution through a tiny valve located inside the expander to gradually fill the expander over several weeks or months. VIEW NOW

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Male to female breast enhancement transaxillary route

35 year transgender enroute gender reassignment surgery got silicon implants for breast augmentation with no scar under the breast. This is 10th post operative day video. VIEW NOW