The Doctor Explains the Many Names of Facelifts

Many people are confused about the different names of facelifts. Dr. Greg Chernoff explains various procedures and the importance selecting the right procedure for your anatomy regardless of what name the procedure is called. VIEW NOW


Is a Male Facelift Different From a Female Facelift?

Men get facelifts, too, says Dr. John Ward. He shares his expertise. VIEW NOW

10 Days After a Full Facelift — See This Woman's Before & Afters

Dr Guillermo Koelliker performed this woman's facelift and shares her results 10 days after her procedure. VIEW NOW

59-Year-Old Christine Shares Her Results 10 Days After Her Full Facelift and Neck Lift

Dr. Guillermo Koelliker performed a temporal brow lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery, mid-face lift with SMAS, and a neck lift. She also had fat transfered to her lips. See her before and 10 days after her procedures, still swollen and bruised. VIEW NOW

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59-Year-Old Woman Gets a Full Facelift — See Her Recovery

Paula was 59 years old when she got a full facelift. Dr. Guillermo Koelliker performed a temporal forehead lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, neck lift, and mid-facelift with SMAS. VIEW NOW

Can I Wear Dentures Immediately After My Facelift?

Dr. Amiya Prasad explains that facelift surgery can be performed while wearing dentures, and can be done more accurately when dentures are in place. An important factor is using local anesthesia for the procedure. VIEW NOW

Will Everybody Know I've Had a Facelift? Is iIt Possible to Look More Youthful Without Looking Like You've Had Surgery?

Dr. Stephen Weber addresses common questions people have prior to a facelift, including incisions scarring. VIEW NOW

How Long Is Recovery From a Facelift? When Can I Return to Work and Social Activities?

Dr. Stephen Weber discusses the timeline for facelift recovery and what you can expect. VIEW NOW

Julie's Facelift Journey: Recovery and Results (Part 5)

In the final episode, Julie continues to discuss her facelift experience, including her recovery, results, and if she'd have the procedure again. VIEW NOW

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Julie's Facelift Journey: See Her Procedure and Reveal (Part 4)

In part four of five, Julie discusses her facelift experience, from the day of her surgery through the healing process. See What she thinks when she sees her new face for the first time. VIEW NOW

Julie's Facelift Journey: Preparing for the Procedure (Part 3)

In Part three of five, Julie talks about her upcoming surgery. Dr. Jon E. Mendelsohn prepares Julie for her facelift and sets realistic expectations. VIEW NOW

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The Doctor Explains Facelift Recovery

Recovery following facial procedures is different for everyone. Dr. Marie E. Montag explains what to expect following your surgery. VIEW NOW

A "Full Facelift" Is Really a Lower Face Lift — The Doctor Explains

Dr. John J. Edney explains what areas of the face are included in a full facelift. VIEW NOW

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Julie's Facelift Journey: Hear Her Fears and Concerns (Part 2)

In part 2 of five, follow Julie and her husband as they discuss their fears and concerns about her facelift surgery. Dr. Jon E. Mendelsohn says the most common concerns are safety and looking natural. VIEW NOW

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