District Plastic Surgery

2440 M St. NW, Ste. 801, Washington, District Of Columbia

District Plastic Surgery

2440 M St. NW, Ste. 801, Washington, District Of Columbia



Praful Ramineni, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

I have been in practice in Washington, DC for over 10 years. I was the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at the largest hospital in the city until I left to transition back into private practice to focus on aesthetic and elective reconstructive surgery.

Cassie Nghiem, MD
Board Eligible Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Cassie Nghiem is passionate about aesthetic plastic surgery and delivering top-notch results through a curated approach. Through a shared vision, she collaborates closely with her patients to deliver quality care in line with their needs. Dr. Nghiem is well-versed in the broad spectrum of plastic surgery. Her professional interests include aesthetic breast surgery, body contouring after pregnancy and weight loss, gender affirming top surgery, labiaplasty, and facial rejuvenation. She is also passionate about enhancing beauty through nonsurgical modalities such as botox and fillers.

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211 Q&A

Q: Would you recommend a mesh implant for breast lift with implants in my case? (Photos)
Answered by Dr. NghiemJanuary 19, 2023

A: Hi Reserved477062, excellent questions. Yes, I would recommend galaflex with your case. With massive weight loss, you lose the normal soft tissue support. Galaflex is excellent for supporting the implant and acting as an internal bra.

Q: Do I qualify for a crescent lift or donut lift? And will liposuction help appearance of navel? (Photos)
Answered by Dr. NghiemJanuary 19, 2023

A: Hi tahinidakini, excellent question. I wouldn't recommend a crescent lift, since it's a technique that can only elevate the nipple a bit. Your nipple is not too low. With breastfeeding, a lot of your breast tissue has fallen, so it's more a problem with excess glandular tissue sitting low (called pseudoptosis). Liposuction will help with the fat around your belly button, but not make it perkier. A surgeon can reshape your belly button with a small incision (does not require a full tummy tuck).

Q: Hard mass on inner thigh 9 months post liposuction, could it be necrosis? (Photos)
Answered by Dr. NghiemJanuary 19, 2023

A: I hear your concerns. It's hard to tell what it is just based on the pictures alone. What did the US and CT scan show? I would consult a plastic surgeon with those images and results so they can discuss the treatment options.

Q: What can I do to minimize the appearance of static wrinkles, uneven skin tone and fat loss on my face? (photo)
Answered by Dr. NghiemJanuary 19, 2023

A: Hi Lilee3, excellent question. Filler can address your nasolabial folds and some of the fine lines around your mouth. It's not preventative, but it will make those lines less noticeable. I would say the best preventative measure for your skin is daily sunscreen, as the sun can age skin prematurely. Hope that helps.

Q: Will a (mini) facelift improve my acne scars? (photos)
Answered by Dr. NghiemJanuary 19, 2023

A: I would not recommend a facelift for your acne scars. A facelift may make the scars worse or more stretched out. I would recommend non-invasive modalities such as filler, lasers, microneedling to improve the skin texture.