BBL on Smaller Patients or Slim Fit BBL

Patient was afraid of not having enough fat for noticiable BBL. She wanted definition on her abdomen with a nicer, fuller butt and actually achieved great results! A fuller, slightly larger butt with better overall shape and a nicer silhouette. VIEW NOW

1 week post-op Extended Arm lift

Extended arm lift / S type underarm lift on a patient with massive weight loss after Bariatric surgery. She had previously gotten a mommy makeover 4 years ago, had a baby 2 years ago and is now back for her arms, underarms and back. VIEW NOW

Buffalo Hump Removal // Liposuction

This hump formed on her upper back was made up of fatty tissue. Although this bulge was not hazardous to her health, the lump was an incredible burden for our patient. With power-assisted liposuction, we removed this fat and smoothed out the area. VIEW NOW

Back Lift (Body Lift, Extended Back Lift

1 week post-op of an Extended Back Lift connecting the Back Lift to an Arm Lift via an Under Arm Braw Line Type es Lify VIEW NOW

360 Degree Power-Assisted Liposuction

This mom underwent 360 liposuction. The skin around her waist has now tightened up, significantly improving the appearance of her love handles. Her waistline is now defined which enhances the look of her buttocks and emphasizes her hourglass curves. VIEW NOW

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Mommy Makeover

This patient previously went to another surgeon for surgery and unfortunately did not love her results. We revised her breast reduction to enhance a perkier appearance. Her tummy tuck was also revised with a combination of 360-degree liposuction. VIEW NOW

NeckTite with Morpheus8

Before and after results of the NeckTite procedure with Morpheus8 VIEW NOW

Brazilian Butt Lift // 2 Weeks Post-Op

Our patient underwent a fantastic BBL procedure. Liposuction was performed around her waist, and we then used fat grafting to transfer her purified fat into her buttocks. Her buttocks and hips look amazing with a well-rounded & full appearance. VIEW NOW

Vaser Liposuction in Egypt ( Arabic )

About Vaser Technology and its importance in Liposuction . it does melt fats and tighten your skin to get the most benefits from your lipo operation with fast recovery VIEW NOW

Hourglass Tuck

360-degree liposuction to achieve an optimal result. We removed the unwanted fat which slimmed her down significantly. We then smoothed and tightened her skin with the tummy tuck. Our patient now has incredible hourglass curves and is bikini ready. VIEW NOW

Tummy tuck, Arm Reduction, Axillary Z-Plasty, and a Vertical Torsoplasty after 100 lb Weight Loss

This female patient lost over 100 lbs but still has excess skin and fat on her tummy. Dr. Katzen is going to perform a Tummy Tuck to give this patient a better shape in her abdomen, as well as an arm reduction to give her skinnier arms VIEW NOW

Reality Or Rumor?

In this video I help separate fact vs fiction by answering questions about hormones, nursing, pregnancy and surgery. VIEW NOW

Liposuction - Fast Facts

Three important facts you should know when considering Liposuction surgery. This is a brief description about the procedure. VIEW NOW

Our patient from Kenya - Tummy Tuck & Liposuction

Our patients e2e experience Patient from Kenya Operation: Tummy Tuck & Liposuction Duration: 4-5hrs Anesthesia:General Hospital Stay: 2 nights VIEW NOW

HD liposuction with abdominal etching

This patient with BMI under 26 was treated with a HD liposuction, with abdominal etching to improve results. VIEW NOW

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