Lip Reduction: What You Need to Know

Medically reviewed by Anil R. Shah, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
Written byGenevieve MonsmaUpdated on August 16, 2023
RealSelf ensures that an experienced doctor who is trained and certified to safely perform this procedure has reviewed this information for medical accuracy.You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.
Medically reviewed by Anil R. Shah, MDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
Written byGenevieve MonsmaUpdated on August 16, 2023
RealSelf ensures that an experienced doctor who is trained and certified to safely perform this procedure has reviewed this information for medical accuracy.You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.

Fast facts

85% Worth It rating based on 27 reviews

$2,800 average cost

Up to 2 weeks of downtime

Local or general anesthesia

Lip Reduction (Page Image)
Lip Reduction (Page Image)

Lip reduction, also called reduction cheiloplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of one or both lips by removing skin and tissue via an incision inside your mouth. Candidates for this lip enhancement procedure include people who were born with large lips, those who want to diminish or reverse a previous lip augmentation done with permanent filler (such as silicone, fat, or a polyacrylamide gel like Bellafill), or those who have a deformation caused by cleft lip or an accident and need reconstructive surgery. In addition to reducing volume, this procedure can also create greater symmetry between the lower and upper lip.

“About 70% of my lip reduction surgeries aim to correct an overdone lip augmentation procedure,” says Dr. Sam Lam, a plastic surgeon in Plano, Texas. Dr. Lam says the remainder of his lip reduction surgeries are typically done on patients who feel their lip size is just too large for their face. Some patients combine lip reduction with another plastic surgery procedure like rhinoplasty, to bring all of their facial features into proportion.

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  • Lip reduction surgery is a permanent fix for people who want smaller lips.
  • Scars shouldn’t be visible, since the incision is on the inside of the lip.
  • The procedure is performed under anesthesia (local or general), so the procedure itself should be painless.


  • You’ll probably need two weeks off work for recovery, and you may have sutures and swelling for up to three weeks post-procedure.
  • There’s some risk of complications like infection or hard scar tissue. Choose a surgeon with extensive experience and follow their instructions for care during recovery.
  • Some people have tingling, numbness, or tightness in their lips for weeks or months, as the nerves regrow. This shouldn’t be permanent, but it can be uncomfortable while it's happening.
  • There’s the possibility of asymmetrical results that may need to be corrected by revision surgery.
  • Average Cost:
  • $2,800
  • Range:
  • $480 - $13,000

Lip reduction cost will depend on your provider’s experience level and practice location, as well as the type of anesthesia you choose and how much tissue is removed. 

Because this is a cosmetic procedure, it’s not covered by health insurance plans.

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The lip reduction photos in our gallery have been shared by the provider who performed the procedure, with the patient's consent.

Lip reduction surgery is considered safe, but there are some risks and potential complications to consider.

As with all surgery, there’s the potential for infection or excessive bleeding. There’s also the possibility of an asymmetrical result that requires revision surgery.

Dr. Lam says that some patients who’ve had their upper lip reduced may find “that their top lip flips inward when they smile.” This is because of tight stitching on the inner lip, and it may last for a month or two, until the tissue regenerates and the skin becomes more elastic. 

In about 5% of cases, Dr. Lam says, “patients may feel firmness in the lip that requires an injectable scar dissolver.”

Because this cosmetic surgery procedure is delicate and results are permanent, Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Hughes stresses the importance of choosing a surgeon with extensive lip reduction experience. “Find someone who has performed this procedure many times,” he advises. 

Ask your surgeon if they can create a digital mock-up of what your result should look like, or if you can see lip reduction before and after photos of patients with similar anatomy and results.

RealSelf Tip: In the week prior to surgery, avoid blood-thinning medications (like aspirin or ibuprofen), which can exacerbate bruising. Dr. Lam says he also likes to prescribe an antiviral medication to patients who are prone to cold sores.

Most patients opt for local anesthesia, though some people choose general anesthesia. 

Once the numbing agent or anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon makes an incision along the entire length of the inside of your upper or lower lip, usually along the wet line (where the dry part of your lip meets the wet part). Surgeons use different incision techniques, depending upon the result you want. For instance, some surgeons use what’s called a “seagull” incision to create a more defined cupid’s bow on the top lip.

Your surgeon will then remove excess tissue and skin from the wet side. This typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on how much tissue is removed. 

As your surgeon closes the incision, the outer part of your lip is pulled inward, making it thinner.

This is an outpatient procedure, and you’ll be able to head home after your surgery. Dr. Lam says he typically uses local anesthesia (a dental block) that lasts for up to six hours, even though a lip reduction rarely takes longer than an hour. “The first few hours right after the procedure are the most uncomfortable—so I keep patients numbed longer, to help them get through that,” he explains.

Patients typically take one to two weeks off from work while they heal from a lip reduction procedure. “Recovery time is usually dependent on how major the reduction was,” says Dr. Lam. Your stitches will stay in place for about a week, and they’ll either dissolve or be removed by your surgeon at a follow-up appointment.

Here’s what else you should expect as you heal. 

  • You will have a line of tiny stitches across the inside of one or both lips, and you should expect some pain, swelling and numbness as well as possible bleeding. 
  • Apply ice packs to reduce the swelling and take the pain medication your doctor recommends. 
  • You’ll also want to stick to soft foods or smoothies until the swelling subsides and avoid high-acid foods, such as citrus fruits, which will sting and irritate your incision. 
  • Your surgeon may recommend that you rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash several times a day, to keep your incision clean.
  • Numbing, tingling, and tightness in the lips can last for several weeks—or even months. “Expect to improve gradually over several months,” Dr. Hughes adds in a RealSelf Q&A. “This is normal after surgery. The tingling is the result of the nerves coming back online.” 

You should see your full results after the swelling subsides, three to six months post-surgery

Lip reduction results are immediate and permanent. If you decide later that you want more lip volume, you’ll have to consider lip augmentation. 

Keep in mind that you won’t see your final results for three to six months, when most of your swelling should be resolved, explains Chicago facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anil R. Shah. Some patients choose to have a follow-up lip enhancement surgery to correct slight asymmetry in the size of the lips that can become apparent once the swelling subsides.

If you want to reduce your natural lip volume or the results of a lip augmentation that was done with permanent fillers, lip reduction surgery is your only option.

If you want to reverse a lip augmentation that was done with a temporary, hyaluronic acid–based filler, such as Restylane or Juvéderm, you can have it dissolved with injections of hyaluronidase—or you could just wait it out. Eventually, the filler will be absorbed into your body (usually in six to nine months) and your lips should return to their original size.

People who’ve had augmentation with lip implants and want to return to their natural size can have the implants removed with a relatively easy surgical procedure.

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Updated August 16, 2023



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