ThermiTight to Melt Fat and Tighten Skin at the Jawline — Watch the Doctor's Undergo the Procedure

Dr. Stacey Folk recently noticed loose skin and fullness at her neck and jawline. Now she's undergoing the procedure herself. Hear the doctor explain the procedure and her thoughts after treatment. VIEW NOW

ThermiTight to the Lower Face and Neck — Recovery and Results 1 Day Post-Op (Part 2)

Dr. Michael T. Somenek performed Thermitight on this woman. She describes her experience one day following treatment to her lower face and neck. VIEW NOW

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ThermiTight to the Lower Face and Neck — Learn What to Expect From Treatment (Part 1)

ThermiTight is a radiofrequency device that stimulates collagen by heating the undersurface of the skin. This leads to progressive skin tightening and overall improvement to loose skin. Dr. Michael T. Somenek explains this woman's procedure. VIEW NOW

The Doctor Explains Non-Surgical Neck Tightening With ThermiTight

Dr. Michael T. Somenek explains Thermitight, a non-surgical procedure used to treat the lower face and neck area to produce overall skin tightening and increased collagen production. VIEW NOW

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ThermiTight for Skin Tightening of the Face and Neck — See This Woman's Procedure

Dr. W. John Bullis explains this live surgical procedure to cause skin tightening of the chin, neck, and upper cheeks. Dr. Bullis performs the procedure while the patient is awake. VIEW NOW


My Neck Is Making Me Look Older, What Are My Options?

Live from Chicago at ASDS 2015, Dr. Margaret Weiss answers questions about neck tightening and rejuvenation. VIEW NOW

ThermiTight: The Doctor Explains This Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Procedure

Live from Chicago at ASDS 2015, Dr. Ronald Shelton explains Thermitight, a skin tightening procedure with minimal downtime. VIEW NOW

The Doctor Discusses These Big Developments in Dermatology

Dr. Morris Westfried gives us an update on the latest tattoo removal and fat reduction devices on the market. VIEW NOW


Learn About ThermiTight for Non-Invasive Skin Tightening

Dr. Douglas Wu explains ThermiTight and what to expect, live from Chicago at ASDS 2015. VIEW NOW

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Body Contouring: The Doctor Shares the Newest Non-Surgical Technologies and Procedures

Live from Chicago at ASDS 2015, Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman answers questions about body contouring. VIEW NOW


Does Kybella Hurt? Have Potential Pain and Side Effects Explained

"Live from Chicago at ASDS 2015, Dr. Peter J. Jenkin answers questions about Kybella and other chin and neck rejuvenation treatments. VIEW NOW


Consider These 3 Options to Remove Your Double Chin

Live from Chicago at ASDS 2015, Dr. Kimberly Butterwick explains options for removing a double chin. VIEW NOW


Does ThermiTight Work on the Chin?

Dr. W. John Bullis details this 30-minute procedure to reduce the appearance of chin fat. VIEW NOW

ThemiSmooth and ThermiTight: Do You Have to Numb the Skin?

Worried about pain level with ThermiSmooth and ThermiTight? Dr. Edward E. Dickerson, IV, shares his experience with both. VIEW NOW

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