What does "Trust the Process" mean?

Dr. Alex Earle Miami Plastic Surgeon One of the most common phrases you're going to hear after surgery is "trust the process". What does that mean? VIEW NOW


The Plastic Surgery Emotional Rollercoaster

Dr. Alex Earle Top Miami Plastic Surgeon What to expect with the plastic surgery emotional rollercoaster. I always like to tell my patients that after surgery, they're going to hop on what we call a physical and emotional roller coaster. VIEW NOW

Introducing Miami's PURE Plastic Surgery's New Surgeon - Dr. Natalia Vidal

Dr. Natalia Vidal - Plastic Surgeon: www.pureplasticsurgery.com 305-230-4326 Info@PurePlasticSurgery.com https://www.pureplasticsurgery.com/about-us/dr-vidal/ VIEW NOW

What if you have your period the day of surgery | Elite Plastic Surgery

??It’s that time of the month for you ladies and your surgery date is here! Take a look at this informative video with Dr. Salama where he explains what to expect if you find yourself in this situation. VIEW NOW

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Why You Should Quit Smoking Before Plastic Surgery | Elite Plastic Surgery

Most patients who smoke question whether or not they should quit smoking before their plastic surgery procedure. In this video, Dr. Moises Salama addresses the issue of smoking before any plastic surgery procedure. VIEW NOW

World of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is an aesthetic problem known as the growth of breast tissue in men. Vaser liposuction is my first choice for all types of gynecomastia, especially in fat-rich gynecomastia. VIEW NOW

Gynecomastia surgery

This young man complains of excess breast tissue that started many years ago while he was a teenager. With liposuction and direct excision of the breast gland we are able to provide him a flat masculine chest. VIEW NOW

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Liposuction of the Chest, abdomen and back with fat transfer to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Liposuction of the Chest, abdomen and back with fat transfer to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift). Patient describing the result and how its made them feel. VIEW NOW

Gynecomastia / man boobs

Gynecomastia can develop for a variety of reasons including steroid use, cannabis, and prescription medications or with weight gain. This can be addressed by removal of breast tissue and liposuction through a small incision around the areola. VIEW NOW

Gynecomastia Full Surgery Video with Before and After

Gynecomastia is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess fat and breast tissue in males. Watch how this minimal scar technique procedure is done through tiny incisions by Dr. McEvenue in this full surgery video. VIEW NOW

Gynecomastia surgery - liposuction and gland excision

Here I demonstrate my technique to eliminate man boobs (moobs) or gynaecomastia using both liposuction and gland excision. The procedure is a daycase op and results are visible straight away. VIEW NOW

Patient Story of Dean from UK.

September 2020. He has had Gynecomastia + Liposuction + Tummy Tuck surgeries and very pleased with the result. VIEW NOW

Minimize COVID Risk and Plastic Surgery

COVID Common misconceptions, spread of the virus, Masks and shields efficacy, Prevention, Medications and supplement prevention and Minimizing morbidity and mortality. VIEW NOW

Removal of gynecomastia

This young athletic man was bothered by the puffiness of his chest around his nipples that made him feel anxious wearing t-shirts in the summer. Dr T used a combination of direct excision (cutting out) of the tissue and liposuction to the edges. VIEW NOW