Sach Mohan, MBBS

Sach Mohan, MBBS


Physicians are medical professionals who study, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and other physical and mental impairments.

Learn more about doctor credentials
18 Years Experience
100 Harley St., London
    Sach Mohan, MBBS

Sach Mohan, MBBS


Physicians are medical professionals who study, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and other physical and mental impairments.

Learn more about doctor credentials
18 Years Experience
100 Harley St., London
Connect with Sach Mohan, MBBS
Phone: +44 29 2271 1673
    Sach Mohan, MBBS

Sach Mohan, MBBS


Physicians are medical professionals who study, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and other physical and mental impairments.

Learn more about doctor credentials
18 Years Experience
100 Harley St., London
    Sach Mohan, MBBS

Sach Mohan, MBBS


Physicians are medical professionals who study, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and other physical and mental impairments.

Learn more about doctor credentials
18 Years Experience
100 Harley St., London
Connect with Sach Mohan, MBBS
Phone: +44 29 2271 1673

Procedures I'm known for

Total years in practice: 18

We offer cosmetic treatments that are safe and effective and pride ourselves on delivering outstanding results with the highest level of patient care.

  Undergraduate: BSc, Health Management, Imperial College of London
  Medical: MBBS, UCL
  All treatments performed in office
Now you can select a doctor with confidence. Verified doctors complete our multistep verification process, fulfill all requirements for every treatment offered, commit to extraordinary patient communication, and meet a higher standard.
Now you can select a doctor with confidence. Verified doctors complete our multistep verification process, fulfill all requirements for every treatment offered, commit to extraordinary patient communication, and meet a higher standard.
License reviewed within last 3 months
Minimum 4 (out of 5) star patient rating
Responds within 2 business days


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