Procedures I'm known for

Vaginal Rejuvenation
I offer a number of vaginal rejuvenation procedures at my practice in Denver, Colorado. Vaginoplasty, a one-hour outpatient procedure that tightens the muscles and tissues of the vagina, is especially popular with women who have experienced the physical stress of vaginal childbirth. It can boost confidence, improve sexual satisfaction, and even help with incontinence. Sometimes, women will also opt to have a perineoplasty, as it repairs the area between the vagina and anus, which can be damaged during childbirth as well. One of the most common female genital cosmetic surgeries that I perform is labiaplasty (often combined with clitorial hood reduction), which alters the size or shape of the labia minora (inner lips) or labia majora (outer lips) to improve comfort and confidence. During the procedure, I use the Ellman Surgitron radiofrequency device to carefully reduce excess labial skin with precision and minimal trauma.


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