Procedures I'm known for

Post-Pregnancy Procedures
While childbearing is a beautiful experience, many women struggle to reclaim their pre-pregnancy body. Certain areas of the body—particularly the breasts and abdomen—can be especially difficult to restore, despite a fitness and nutrition regimen. A mommy makeover involves a series of procedures, customized to each woman’s body and goals, that help restore and optimize their pre-baby figure. Your individual mommy makeover will be tailored to help you achieve your desired look. It may involve breast augmentation or a breast lift, a tummy tuck, liposuction, SmartLipo, or other procedures to target your areas of concern. A mommy makeover not only provides cosmetic benefits, but it can also help you regain the confidence may have eroded with undesired body changes, whether you recently gave birth or became a mom years ago. During your consultation at my Houston-area practice, we’ll discuss your goals and the best combination of procedures to achieve them.
Breast Surgery
For women looking for fuller breasts or improved body proportions, breast augmentation is a popular option. At my Houston-area practice, we use both silicone and saline breast implants. Breast implants vary in size, shape, texture, and where they are placed in the body (above or below the muscle), so it’s essential that we have a thorough consultation before we mutually decide on which implants will help give your frame the most natural-looking result. Many of my breast lift patients also opt to have breast implants to restore lost volume, for maximum effect. I also offer breast implant revision surgery, as well as breast reduction and gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction). I look forward to learning about your breast enhancement goals and guiding you to the right decision for your body.
If you want a flatter, tighter abdomen, a tummy tuck might be right for you. Also known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles of the abdominal wall, to contour to your midsection. Tummy tucks are one of the most popular options at my Houston-area practice. Some patients also opt to combine a tummy tuck with liposuction of the hips, flanks, and pubic area, to maximize your results. Patients can return home the same day as the procedure and wear a support garment for several weeks as they recover. In most cases, patients are able to return to work within two weeks and can resume physical exercise after around four weeks. Combined with a fitness and nutrition regimen, results can last for many years. Some patients are candidates for a mini tummy tuck, focusing on the area below the belly button. This procedure offers less dramatic results, but it comes with a shorter recovery time.


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