Breast Fat Transfer

This patient is shown before and after fat transfer to her breasts. This has achieved a natural increase in her breast volume and cup size. Fat was carefully sculpted from her entire abdomen. This was all performed comfortably awake in the office. VIEW NOW

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Before and After Fat Transfer to Breasts

In this video, Dr. Katzen performs liposuction of the abdomen and love handles to harvest fat to transfer to his patient’s breasts. Dr. Katzen was able to inject 400cc of fat into both breasts to give her a small, natural breast augmentation. VIEW NOW

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Why Are More Women Choosing Fat Transfer?

Dr. Wooten performs fat transfer procedures quite often, especially for women who have tuberous breasts, very little fat, or for women who want a breast revision or breast lift, but do not want breast implants. VIEW NOW

Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Fat Transfer to Breasts

This is a 37 year old female after a lateral tension abdominoplasty, bilateral flank liposuction and autologous fat transfer to bilateral breasts. VIEW NOW

There are alternatives to breast implants- Breast Augmentation with fat transfer (GRAPHIC)

Breast Augmentation with fat transfer. An alternative to breast implants. With the advances in technology and technique, breast augmentation with fat transfer has come a long way. VIEW NOW

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Fat Transfer to the breast

Breast augmentation with fat transfer. Dr. G explains the fat transfer process as an alternative to implants. VIEW NOW

Breast Augmentation Incision (GRAPHIC)

Incision location and sizes vary based on individual pre-op diagnosis as well as implant size and type.?? VIEW NOW

Fat Grafting

Dr. Jonathan Lee answers the common question about Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentations, versus implants. VIEW NOW

Dr Rebecca Wyten - What are the benefits of a Fat Transfer?

This video explores the benefits of having a Fat Transfer procedure. In this surgery fat is transferred from one location via liposuction and is placed into the breast. VIEW NOW

Tummy Tuck, Thigh Lift, Arm Lift, Lipo

This 66 year old patient from out of state had a high definition tummy tuck with a front and outer thigh lift, an arm lift, liposuction with fat transfer to her breasts and arms. She returns soon for a buttock lift & BBL. VIEW NOW

Breast Implant Removal replace with Fat Injections to Breasts

See this 47 year old's transformation after she had a breast implant removal surgery replaced by fat injections to the breast. VIEW NOW


Fat Grafting with Dr. Spiegel

Fillers are a great way to add fullness to an aging face, however for permanent results, fat grafting is the way to go! VIEW NOW

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Fat Transfers for BBL and Breasts with Dr. Tehrani

Here we will listen to what Dr. Tehrani has to say about fat transfers for a Brazilian Butt Lift or to breasts. This is a question many of our patients ask regularly! VIEW NOW

Mommy Makeover: Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Flank and Back and Fat Transfer to Breasts

This 34 year old lady underwent a lateral tension abdominoplasty with liposuction to her flanks and back and also a fat transfer to her breasts. VIEW NOW