Finding a physician is a really important process. I think the most important thing is having someone that you're comfortable with and comfortable telling and being truthful regarding your history and your risks regarding sun exposure and skin cancer and all those things, but also someone that you're comfortable with in sharing all that. Regarding this era of dermatology now, we're really fortunate that dermoscopy has come. It's a favor. We have newer technologies that allows us to look more closely at the skin and really good at helping us elucidate suspicious versus benign lesions. That helps in minimizing scars, minimizing unnecessary biopsies, but also, diagnosing lesions earlier. Make sure your doctor uses those technologies, and just someone that you can speak fairly with and that's going to do a thorough job and be your advocate when it comes to skin disease.

How to Choose the Right Doctor

Dr. Jerome Obed describes how to choose the right doctor for your experience.