Dr. Jerome Obed: The [inaudible 00:00:14] Here's what we look for when some of us are trying to figure out whether we have a suspicious spot or not. We always tell our patients that people who are over 30 or 35 specifically should always have any new moles checked out. Equally important is any changing moles, so we have them watch for what’s called the ABCD’s which are, A is for asymmetry, B is border, C is color, D is diameter and then actually an E of evolution. They look for things that would indicate a possible suspicious lesion. We have great technology now with surface microscopes or we can actually look at the lesion and get a pretty good idea as to being high risk or low risk and then determine if we need to biopsy it. But the name of the game is just being proactive with your skin if you get it looked at early enough. They’re all treatable if caught early.

What Are the Signs of Skin Cancer? What Should I Be Looking For and When?

Dr. Jerome Obed goes through a short list of items to look to help detect possible skin cancers. Being proactive here is the name of the game!