... here's a lady who has lost a lot of weight but still has a lot of weight or has not been able to lose much weight. What you are going to see is a lot of fullness in the abdomen. A lot of abdominal cutaneous or overhang. The big hips and back. That is what abdominoplasty and full body contouring may be (inaudible) is all about.

The Idea is to take off the extra skin to really shrink the contour of the body with the Vaser liposuction machine. In some people, we can take 20 pounds off sometimes. It is not about weight lost, it is about contour so that 20 pounds might look like 60 pounds. In this before and after picture I am going to show you, First we have the front view of this lady with a very large abdomen. As you can see, that banding around the belly button.

Then, of course, after the tummy tuck you can see that she is much flatter. The banding is much improved, we can't completely get rid of it but overall it's much improvement. Then you see on this 3 quarter view, you can see the belly is flat. You can see the very large hips (inaudible) hips, and back and the front. With liposuction, and removing the skin you can get this pretty dramatic picture. In this third case, it's a different patient but what you would see here is that it really demonstrates the power of the Vaser ultrasound Liposuction Machine.

You can see the rolls here and in these rolls the Vaser can loosen all those rolls and those bands. Giving you a very nice smooth back and the curve of the upper bottom.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Doctor William Alison discusses Tummy Tuck.