Eczema and Surgery

I was asked whether or not having Eczema all over the body can impact getting a mommy makeover. There is some nuance to the answer so in this video I provide some information to help shed light on the topic. VIEW NOW

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Mommy Makeover

This patient previously went to another surgeon for surgery and unfortunately did not love her results. We revised her breast reduction to enhance a perkier appearance. Her tummy tuck was also revised with a combination of 360-degree liposuction. VIEW NOW

Revision Tummy Tuck

This mom was frustrated with the appearance of a previous tummy tuck procedure that she underwent. This procedure included redoing her belly button, removing the vertical scar, and lowering the abdominoplasty scar to her bikini line. VIEW NOW

Reality Or Rumor?

In this video I help separate fact vs fiction by answering questions about hormones, nursing, pregnancy and surgery. VIEW NOW

Type 1 Diabetes and Plastic Surgery

In this video I share the top two things I want prospective patients with Type 1 Diabetes to know about surgery. VIEW NOW

Walking After A Tummy Tuck

In this video, I reply to the question "How long will I be hunched over after a Tummy Tuck" along with information about posture in general during the post-op period. VIEW NOW

Painless Drainless Tummy Tuck (TM)

This is a unique approach to tummy tuck without drains and with state of the art pain control to give patients the least pain possible with their abdominoplasty. VIEW NOW

How can I get rid of stretch marks?

Striae, aka stretch marks, are incredibly common so it's not surprising that there are so many products and treatments on the market that claim to diminish their appearance. But what actually works and what is just wishful thinking? VIEW NOW


How does J-Plasma/Renuvion work and what makes a good candidate? Learn more in this video where I explain and demonstrate one of my favorite tools for tightening! VIEW NOW

Tummy Tuck Surgery by Dr. Salama | An In-Depth Look

If you have excess abdominal skin that you can’t get rid of with diet or exercise, you may be a good candidate for a #tummytuck by Dr. Salama. VIEW NOW

Tummy Tuck Post - OP Instructions

Doctor explains about post-surgery care in detail to help his patients through recovery. His instructions cover what to expect after surgery, what is normal during recovery, how to properly use medication, and frequently asked questions. VIEW NOW

Before and after Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Side view

The abdominoplasty or tummy tuck beyond being a cosmetic surgery, is a reconstructive process, helps to improve the appearance of the abdomen after pregnancy or events that compromise the tightness of the stomach muscles. VIEW NOW

Liposuction or Tummy Tuck

Though no substitute for an in-person consultation, here are some of the general guidelines on when a tummy tuck may be appropriate than liposuction alone. VIEW NOW

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Before and after Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) front view

The abdominoplasty or tummy tuck beyond being a cosmetic surgery, is a reconstructive process, helps to improve the appearance of the abdomen after pregnancy or events that compromise the tightness of the stomach muscles. VIEW NOW

Scar Revision

Here's what I want you to know about scar revision surgery and my opinion on when it is and isn't recommended. VIEW NOW