Asymmetrical Hips After Lipo/TT? (photo)

May 16, 2013
Asked By:Emily27436

I had a TT with lipo to hips/love handles 5 and a half weeks ago. I had a large seroma on my left lower abdomen drained week 3 and 4. I wear my compression binder 24/7. I understand I am going to have swelling and I've chalked up my small pouch above my incision as swelling but my hips seem to be very uneven. My right hip seems much larger and rounder. Could this be swelling as well? I understand some asymmetry is normal but its extemely uneven.

3 photos

Answers (11)

From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
September 1, 2015

Answer: Asymmetry after a tummy tuck

1 person found this helpful
Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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September 1, 2015

Answer: Asymmetry after a tummy tuck

1 person found this helpful
Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 24, 2013

Answer: Asymmetry after tummy tuck

1 person found this helpful
Thomas A. Mustoe, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 24, 2013

Answer: Asymmetry after tummy tuck

1 person found this helpful
Thomas A. Mustoe, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 20, 2013

Answer: Asymmetrical Hips After Lipo/TT?

Darryl J. Blinski, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 20, 2013

Answer: Asymmetrical Hips After Lipo/TT?

Darryl J. Blinski, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 18, 2013

Answer: Asymmetrical Hips After Lipo/TT?

Kenneth Hughes, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 18, 2013

Answer: Asymmetrical Hips After Lipo/TT?

Kenneth Hughes, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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May 17, 2013

Answer: Asymmetry after tummy tuck and seroma

Howard Webster, MBBS (Hons), FRACSSpecialist Plastic Surgeon
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May 17, 2013

Answer: Asymmetry after tummy tuck and seroma

Howard Webster, MBBS (Hons), FRACSSpecialist Plastic Surgeon
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