Hampstead Family Medicine

144 Merchants Cir., Hampstead, North Carolina

Hampstead Family Medicine

144 Merchants Cir., Hampstead, North Carolina


Mostafa Rezk, DO
Board Certified Family Physician

Dr. Rezk and his team also provide cosmetic services using the SculpSure and Icon laser systems. These procedures help contour your body, eliminate scars and stretch marks, and rejuvenate your appearance.

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3 Q&A

Q: Can fat come back after SculpSure or CoolSculpting?
Answered by Dr. RezkJuly 29, 2021

A: Body sculpting works by apoptosis, liposuction by removal of the cells. In both cases the body cannot regenerate new fat cells. However, if there is weight gain due to excessive calories, the body will find a place to store the fat. That may mean you will gain fat in other areas or that the remaining fat cells in the area treated could expand. To prevent this, it is best to be at a stable weight for a few months before treatment.

Q: How long does SculpSure take to see results?
Answered by Dr. RezkApril 11, 2019

A: After your procedure, your body clears away the destroyed fat cells. This process may take some time. It can take 6-12 weeks to see full results, and you might need several procedures to achieve your desired goal.

*Individual results may vary

Q: Had my 2nd round of SculpSure and have a depression on my left abdomen. Are dimples caused by SculpSure permanent?
Answered by Dr. RezkApril 3, 2019

A: Thank you very much for your question. Sculpsure will cause destruction of the fat cells by a process called apoptosis, which is natural and usually takes about 6-8 weeks a majority of the healing to take place. Much of the reasoning behind dimpling would be if the laser was placed too close to the belly button, dehydration, or placed over an area of a tattoo.  As long as the laser was not improperly placed over the skin, these dimples should resolve within 8-12 weeks as the skin and the underlying fat around the area migrates to fill in where the treatment occurred.