Procedures I'm known for

Rhinoplasty and Nose Shaping
As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Spiegel strives to help you have the nose that best fits your face; we don't believe in one nose fits all! Dr. Spiegel is a recognized expert in the most complex nose surgeries. He's helped people who have had even seven prior surgeries to get the results they want and has been a faculty member, teaching other plastic surgeons about nose surgery at medical meetings around the globe.
Lip Enhancement
There are a number of different options for lip implants (natural, synthetic, solid or injected) that can be added to provide additional fullness to the lips. The most common implant Dr. Spiegel uses is called a dermal fat graft. This is a mixture of fat, skin and soft tissue. This is a small piece of living tissue that is placed into the lips. Since the implant is made from your own tissue there are fewer allergies, infections, or other reactions to worry about. The results are long lasting and the lips feel completely natural! Many other options are also available ranging from fat grafting, to injectable fillers, to permanent implants. Lips are typically extremely puffy following these procedures—especially if an implant is placed. However, the majority of swelling is gone quickly. There are other great non-surgical options including Restylane®, Juvederm® or Versa which are dermal fillers to give you luscious full lips.
Face and Neck Lifts
Tighten and remove loose skin and fat of the neck and face. This is a perfect way to get rid of jawline "jowling" and sagging. Our patients say it took 10 years off their face! Dr. Spiegel addresses each area of the face and neck for a natural, youthful appearance. For some people, a "mini" lift can be customized to target specific areas.


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