Dimple Surgery: What You Need to Know About Dimpleplasty

Written byMari MalcolmUpdated on July 21, 2023
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Written byMari MalcolmUpdated on July 21, 2023
You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.

Dimple surgery (dimpleplasty) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can create natural-looking chin or cheek dimples, small depressions in the skin that appear when you smile. Many cultures consider dimples beautiful, and some even see them as a sign of prosperity and luck. 

Compared to most other kinds of facial plastic surgery, dimple creation is a relatively simple procedure that’s performed in-office with local anesthesia.

Facial dimple creation surgery works best for people who have plenty of volume in their cheeks and firm, elastic skin. “Dimples have a decreased aesthetic effect in older, looser skin. They’re best seen in younger and tighter skin with full cheeks,” says Brooklyn, New York, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Hardik Doshi.

Some people opt for chin dimple surgery, which creates the best results for patients with enough volume and firmness to create a cleft chin.

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  • Dimple surgery is a relatively easy outpatient procedure, with no need for general anesthesia and minimal downtime. 
  • Results can look like natural dimples. 
  • Most dimpleplasty procedures create a permanent dimple, so you should have your new dimples forever.  
  • Since the procedure is performed from inside of the mouth, there’s very little chance of visible scars. 
  • Among RealSelf reviewers who say it was “Worth It,” many report that their new dimples look noticeable but natural, and that the procedure was generally quick and painless.


  • Not everyone is a good candidate for dimple plastic surgery; it’s not as effective for patients with thin, saggy skin or hollowed cheeks. 
  • There's a risk of asymmetry or uneven results, especially if you go with an inexperienced facial plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon. In fact, this was a common complaint from RealSelf reviewers who felt their dimple surgery was “Not Worth It.”
  • With some surgical techniques, the dimple may disappear within a few months. 
  • Other potential side effects of dimpleplasty include post-op bruising, swelling, and discomfort during recovery. While infection and abscess are rare, they are a potential risk and can leave visible scars.
  • Another extremely rare but possible risk is injury to the buccal branch of facial nerves. Nerve injuries usually heal over several months, but permanent damage is possible. 

RealSelf Tip: A successful outcome depends on your surgeon’s understanding of the look you want and the unique structure of your facial muscles. Experienced facial plastic surgeons will be able to avoid overly dramatic dimples, unnatural-looking dimples, or dimples that disappear over time.

  • Average Cost:
  • $1,250
  • Range:
  • $567 - $3,000

The price you pay for a dimple creation procedure will depend primarily on the experience level of your plastic surgeon and their practice location.

See our complete guide to dimple surgery costs

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The dimple surgery photos in our gallery have been shared by the provider who performed the procedure, with the patient's consent.

Dimple creation surgery takes between 30 and 60 minutes to perform. 

While some surgeons have different techniques, here’s how dimple creation typically works: 

  • First, you and your surgeon will examine your face to determine the best dimple position.
  • If you already have faint dimples when you smile, the surgery can make them more prominent. 
  • If not, they may ask you to mark the desired position yourself, or the position for your new dimples may be determined by measuring a vertical line down from the outer corner of your eye, and a horizontal line extending out from the top of the cupid's bow of your lips. Once you agree on it, the desired position will be marked with a pen.
  • To create permanent cheek dimples, your provider will first use a local anesthetic like lidocaine to numb your cheeks. 
  • Once you’re numb, they will create a small incision in the tissue on the inside of the cheek.
  • Then they'll remove a small amount of fat and tissue in the dermis (the deeper layer of skin) before connecting a portion of your cheek muscle (the buccinator muscle) to the outer layers of skin with a dissolvable suture, sometimes called a "bolster stitch," which may be temporarily visible on the outside of your cheek. This creates the indentation of your new dimple and secures it in place. 
  • As the suture dissolves, it will create fibrous scar tissue that will connect the muscle and skin, making a natural-looking, dynamic dimple that should only be visible when you smile.
  • If you’re undergoing chin dimple surgery, you’ll also start with a small incision inside the lower lip. As with the cheeks, a small area of muscle is attached to the skin with an absorbable suture, which is replaced by connective scar tissue over time.
  • You’ll be able to go home right after your procedure.

RealSelf Tip: Some providers perform dimple surgery using only a suture, without removing any fat or tissue. According to a 2015 article in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, the suture technique has the advantage of a quicker recovery with a lower risk of hematoma or infection. However, results with this technique are not permanent: the dimple fades or disappears completely within four months.

Plan for a few days of social downtime after your dimple creation procedure. You’ll be able to go about most of your normal activities, but the swelling can make the new indentations in your cheeks look very noticeable. As the swelling resolves, the divots will start to look less obvious.

Here’s what else to expect during your recovery:

  • You can also expect some pain and soreness. 
  • Doctors usually recommend taking an over-the-counter pain medication and gently applying ice packs to alleviate discomfort and swelling. 
  • To reduce the risk of infection, most providers recommend twice-a-day rinses with an antiseptic mouthwash. Some surgeons also prescribe antibiotics.
  • One to two weeks after your dimple surgery, you’ll have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon to check on your healing and results. By that time, you should have a good idea of what your new dimples will look like. 
  • It can take up to two months after surgery for all swelling to resolve, so you can see your final results. Until then, your dimples will always be visible. 
  • Once you've fully healed, they will only be visible when you smile or talk, like natural dimples.

Dimpleplasty is considered a safe procedure when it's performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic or facial plastic surgeon. 

However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks. These include bleeding, infection,  injury to the buccal branch of the facial nerve, and visible scars due to abscess. During your consultation, talk with your surgeon about all of these potential side effects and how they can be avoided or minimized.

Dimpleplasty results should be permanent. 

However, if your provider uses only a simple suture rather than removing some fat and tissue, the scar tissue that creates the dimples won’t be sufficient, and results can fade in as little as four months.

To increase your chances of having dimples that last, find an experienced plastic or facial plastic surgeon, with a strong track record of good patient reviews and a robust before and after photo gallery. During your consultation, ask about their technique and the longevity of their results.

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Updated July 21, 2023



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