When somebody's deciding where to go for a treatment, first of all I want them to make sure that they're seeing a doctor. In addition, I would like somebody to make sure that they're dealing with somebody who's a dermatologist or plastic surgeon with an extensive background in this area. These are very powerful devices, that can make a tremendous impact on the skin in a positive way and a negative way. And it has to be handled with extreme background and training.
In my case, after becoming board-certified in dermatology, I went on to do a fellowship in laser surgery. And, that's made a tremendous impact on my career, and I think, on my patients as well. So, I think that if a patient's going to go and have a laser procedure, make sure that they go and have a conversation with that doctor, and understand what the proper approach is, and make sure they're treated very safely, and that that doctor has a lot of experience treating those concerns.

Laser Treatments: What To Consider When Choosing a Doctor

Dr. Robert Anolik offers words of advice for consumers looking into a laser treatment or procedure.