One of the most common questions that I get asked regarding breast augmentation is, "Are gel implants and are the gel implants today safe?" The short answer is, yes, they're very safe. There was a lot of concern and worry with the older implants from two and three decades ago. Those old implants had a very high breakage rate, over 50% in 10 years. That led to a higher incidence of capsular contracture.

In addition, there was this question as to whether or not the implants called connective tissue disease or autoimmune diseases. Over the last 20 years, there has been dozens of studies worldwide, and we can say very confidently that gel implants do not cause any connective or autoimmune disease.

In addition, this new gel implant, what a lot of people call the gummy bear implants or cohesive gel implants, they have a very low breakage rate. The breakage rate is very similar to that of saline implants. In addition, they look and feel very natural. Subsequently as we've learned more about this new implant that is two generations beyond the implants that caused problems, patients are requesting them more frequently, surgeons are more comfortable utilizing them and in my practice, 95% to 98% of all of my primary augmentations are with the new fifth generation gel implants.

Are Silicone Gel Implants Safe?

Dr. Brian Reedy explains why silicone gel implants are safe and why most patients are choosing them.