V-shape Ultra by Alma Fat Reducing, Skin Tightening, and Cellulite Diminishing Results, FDA approved device for selective fat cell destruction, wrinkle improvement and skin resurfacing.

The V-shape Ultra patented Ultrasound and radiofrequency technologies are highly effective for skin tightening, cellulite and fat reduction, which targets and destroys stubborn fat while tightening and toning the skin. No pain or downtime. VIEW NOW

UltraShape Power

Ultrasound technology permanently destroying fat cells. FDA approved NO downtime, NO negative side effects, NO adverse nerve damage more safe and effective than Cool-sculpting VIEW NOW

UltraShape Power and VelaSmooth

This client is early 30's.She was concerned about the tone of her lower abdominal region, stretch marks, and size. Three sessions US and VS were performed spaced two weeks apart. The after photo was taken three weeks after her last session. VIEW NOW

Permanent Fat Destruction using UltraShape Power Device

UltraShape Power uses pulsed, focused ultrasound waves to safely destroy subcutaneous fat cells. After three treatments, spaced two weeks apart, patients will see up to a 32% fat reduction. VIEW NOW

UltraShape Power uses ultrasound energy to destroy fat

UltraShape Power uses ultrasound energy to disrupt fat cells causing them to die and leave the treatment area slim. Unlike CoolSculpting, UltraShape Power can be used on large areas, is painless, and is not associated with any downtime. VIEW NOW

Phyzique's Ultrasound Technology Destroys Fat Cells

See how PHYZIQUE used Ultrashape Power to permanently destroy fat cells. Treatments are quick and relatively painless. Three treatments are recommended in most cases. VIEW NOW

UltraShape Power

Dr. Dima brings you along as she performs UltraShape Power, a new non-invasive fat reduction procedure. VIEW NOW

UltraShape Power for Body Fat Reduction

Say goodbye to stubborn body fat and to surgeries! UltraShape Power reduces 30% of unwanted body fat without anesthesia, surgery, or downtime. Procedures are performed in the office, are pain-free, and only take one hour. VIEW NOW

The Doctor Discusses the Benefits of Ultrashape Power vs. CoolSculpting

Dr. Aaron Shiloh explains how Ultrashape Power can use ultrasound energy to permanently destroy fat in a painless and non-invasive way. VIEW NOW


See Velashape III in Action to Tighten Stomach Skin

Dr. Aaron Shiloh shares this video of Velashape III in action after an Ultrashape treatment. Both were used together to destroy fat and help with the drainage of the destroyed fat, in addition to tighten the overlying skin. VIEW NOW

Ultrashape Power for Reducing Abdominal Fat

Dr. Aaron Shiloh's technician demonstrates Ultrashape Power for body contouring. VIEW NOW