Navarre Wellness

7552 Navarre Pkwy., Ste. 21B, Navarre, Florida

Navarre Wellness

7552 Navarre Pkwy., Ste. 21B, Navarre, Florida


Dr. Svendsen offers patient-centered care as well as disease-focused treatment. She is committed to assessing your physical and emotional needs and delivering higher levels of spiritual health. Your relationship with Navarre Wellness begins with Dr. Svendsen and an assessment of your health and beauty needs.

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5 Q&A

Q: Wrinkles in my mid-twenties, is it too early to start Botox? Are there other procedure options? (photo)
Answered by Dr. SvendsenNovember 26, 2022

A: Hello and thank you for your question! 25 is not too young to start Botox is the short answer to your question. That said, I would recommend that you have a consultation with a physician experienced in aesthetics to determine what treatments would suit you best. There's always more than one way to skin a cat! Make sure you are using sunscreen every day as this will prevent many of the skin changes that accelerate the aging process. A home skin care regimen is critical to maintain a youthful appearance as well. Best wishes to you!

Q: How safe and effective Emface procedure? How does it compare to other procedures used for similar results?
Answered by Dr. SvendsenNovember 26, 2022

A: Hello and thank you for your question! Emface is a new device which causes contraction of the facial muscles of the cheeks and forehead and delivers radio frequency energy to the skin. The results in my clinic are very impressive. We have seen marked lifting of the cheeks, tightening of the jaw line and lifting of the brows. There is no downtime and no anesthesia is needed. The protocol consists of 4 20 minute treatments. I would encourage you to set up a consultation with a local physician to ensure that you would benefit from the treatment. Best wishes!

Q: Would TCA cross work on my forehead scars? (photo)
Answered by Dr. SvendsenOctober 6, 2022

A: Hello! A TCA peel would soften the appearance of your scars, but probably not as much as you would like. RF micro needling or an ablative laser treatment would be a better option.

Q: Would microneedling help my skin? (Photo)
Answered by Dr. SvendsenOctober 6, 2022

A: It's difficult to answer this question without getting some medical history from you. My recommendation would be to see your primary care physician and discuss treatment options. You may benefit from oral or topical medications. LED treatments may also be beneficial. I would add micro needling once your acne is better controlled.

Q: 3 days post Botox and I've got extreme swelling of eye and brow area. (Photo)
Answered by Dr. SvendsenJune 13, 2017

A: Hello,

As others have answered, an allergy to Botox is unlikely though you can get swelling after a sunburn.  You did not say where the Botox was injected.  It will take approximately 10 days to see the full effect of your Botox treatment.  One possible side effect of Botox is a temporary lid droop depending on where the product is injected.  I would treat the swelling with antihistamines and cool compresses.  Please see the doctor who performed your injections if this has not improved in a few days.