Procedures I'm known for

Post-Pregnancy Procedures
Childbirth can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also come with unwanted changes that can make moms feel self-conscious, as well as physical troubles like discomfort. You may find that you have excess skin, diastasis recti (stretched abdominal muscles), and extra fat that’s hard to get rid of—even with exercise and a balanced diet. Breast issues following childbirth include stretched areolas, sagging or uneven breasts, lost volume, or enlarged breasts that can result in poor posture, skin irritation, and even pain. I frequently perform mommy makeover surgery on Dallas-area moms who want to restore the body they once had. This customized combination of procedures typically includes a breast enhancement procedure—a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction—as well as a tummy tuck, and possibly liposuction. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns and align on the right surgical plan to give you a beautiful, natural-looking result.
Breast Surgery
Many of my patients come to my Dallas-area practice for breast enhancement. I frequently perform breast augmentation surgery, to increase the size of their breasts or replace lost volume via breast implants. Those who are primarily concerned about sagging may opt for a mastopexy, or breast lift, which removes excess skin and reshapes the breasts so they look lifted, firm, and more youthful. If needed, areolas can also be reduced and nipples can be repositioned. A breast lift can be done with or without implants, depending on how much volume is desired. Other patients seek me out for breast reduction, especially if they are experiencing physical discomfort, such as neck or back pain, skin-related issues, or simply want smaller breasts. I also offer male breast reduction, a procedure known as gynecomastia surgery. Other breast enhancement procedures I commonly perform include breast reconstruction surgery and breast implant removal (explant surgery).
Skin Tightening
You may find that you have excess skin, diastasis recti (stretched abdominal muscles), and extra fat that’s hard to get rid of—even with exercise and a balanced diet. Breast issues following childbirth include stretched areolas, sagging or uneven breasts, lost volume, or enlarged breasts that can result in poor posture, skin irritation, and even pain. I frequently perform mommy makeover surgery on Dallas-area moms who want to restore the body they once had. This customized combination of procedures typically includes a breast enhancement procedure—a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction—as well as a tummy tuck, and possibly liposuction. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns and align on the right surgical plan to give you a beautiful, natural-looking result.


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