Procedures I'm known for

Post-Pregnancy Procedures
Women who are looking to get their bodies back after pregnancy, the mommy makeover is your answers. The mommy makeover involves multiple combinations of cosmetic procedures that address the stomach, breasts, buttocks, hips and thighs.
Dr Gutowski has more than 2 decades of body contouring experience, including body reshaping for patients who lost significant weight and have loose skin. Since 2006, Dr Gutowski has been performing the "No Drain Tummy Tuck" which eliminates the annoying drains that are used in most tummy tucks. After further refinements to his technique, Dr Gutowski added Rapid Recovery Protocols and combined liposuction around the trunk to offer his signature Rapid Recovery, No Drain, Lipo-Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) to most of his patients. This advanced procedure gives the best reshaping of the trunk with a faster return to normal activity. For patients who need a mini tummy tuck, Dr Gutowski can do this procedure awake with just a local anesthetic. In cases of significant skin excess, Dr Gutowski preforms body lifts and other procedures to reshape the body. As a leader in his specialty, Dr Gutowski has published scientific papers on his tummy tuck technique and teaches it to other surgeons.
Body Contouring
As a breast and body contouring expert, Dr Gutowski uses liposuction almost every day to achieve the best results possible in all body areas from the chin and neck, all the way down to the calves and ankles. In each case, Dr Gutowski evaluates his patients for the best liposuction technique and offers traditional Tumescent Liposuction, Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL), Water Assisted Liposuction (BodyJet, WAL), Laser Assisted Liposuction (SmartLipo, LAL), VASER Assisted Liposuction (VAL), and Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL). In cases with loose skin, Dr Gutowski can add non-invasive radio-frequency or laser skin tightening for a better result. For selected patients, Dr Gutowski also performs "Wide Awake Lipo" which can be done with just a local anesthetic. Dr Gutowski is also one of a handful of plastic surgeons in the world who is an expert on treating patients with lipedema (a fat overgrowth disorder) with liposuction. Many of his patients come from out of town for treatment.


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