Treating Wrinkles Still Appearing After Previous Treatments

New York facial cosmetic surgeon Amiya Prasad, MD reviews why wrinkles may be visible after topical treatments; and the importance of collagen in improving skin, volume enhancement for depth of lines, and treating wrinkles seen with facial movement. VIEW NOW

Botox for Neck Wrinkles ("Nefertiti Lift")

Watch Botox being injected into the neck muscles (platysmal bands) - to smooth out the vertical lines and create a tighter jawline. By relaxing the muscles in the neck - it allows the facial muscles to pull up - creating a tighter jawline VIEW NOW


Neurotoxins are an injectable treatment that can relax the muscles responsible for causing dynamic wrinkles, including those on the nose. VIEW NOW

Ozempic Face. What is it? How to treat it..

As our patients are losing weight on our Skinny Shot, more are also losing volume, which has led to the term, Ozempic face. Learn about how we are treating this at our practice. VIEW NOW


Here is everything you need to know about Daxxify, the exciting new long-lasting injectable treatment for wrinkles! VIEW NOW

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Welcome to AgeFocus!

Our facility located in Southampton has a staff that has been in the medical industry for almost 20 years, and we opened our AgeFocus clinic in 2010. VIEW NOW

Tapping During Injections

In this video I explain the purpose of tapping during an injectable treatment. Thanks for watching! VIEW NOW

From what age Botox can be applied?

The Botox product is a great product that can be used for a variety of reasons. Here one of the most common questions. VIEW NOW

Transgender Day of Visibility and Gender Affirming Treatments

My favorite treatment to do is gender affirming face injections to enhance masculine or feminine features. This treatment can be life saving for people experiencing gender dysphoria! VIEW NOW

How a Gummy Smile can be Treated in Minutes

New York facial cosmetic surgeon Amiya Prasad, MD reviews the cause of a "gummy smile" or too much gums showing when smiling, how a neurotoxin like Botox applied to specific muscles can reduce its appearance, and how treatment takes only minutes. VIEW NOW

Power of the Undereye Weekend Lift

The Undereye Weekend Lift is a procedure I've pioneered and really worked on to give patients a more youthful and rejuvenated eyelid appearance non-surgically. VIEW NOW

Important tips about Botox

Hi there! My name's Dr. Alan Gonzalez and I'm a board certified plastic surgeon who has been performing botox procedures for years. In this video I'll give you some tips to have in mind before botox application. VIEW NOW

Meet Mike, our nurse injector

Short introduction to our nurse injector, Mike, who specializes in aesthetic neurotoxin and filler injectables. VIEW NOW

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How Botox works

My name is Dr. Alan Gonzalez and I'm a board certified plastic surgeon who's been doing this for 21 years. There are a lot of information about Botox out there so let me clear some things up for you. VIEW NOW