Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction

Liposuction takes out the extra fat that you have to flatten your abdomen. It’s a great option when you have a good skin tone, and no loose skin. ? ? A Tummy Tuck is a great option when you also need to treat loose skin. VIEW NOW

What is S.A.F.E Liposuction?

SAFE stands for Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization.? This is an advanced liposuction technique which helps prevent contour deformities and leaves as natural looking of a result as possible.? VIEW NOW

Are BBLs still popular? Yes, they are!

The BBL and its ballooning popularity has shifted culture due to the evolution of societal “norms and trends.” While over accentuated features were a trend of the past, smaller and slimmer changes have become increasingly sought-after. VIEW NOW

Did You Just Have A Baby?

Are you wanting your body to look like it did prior to childbirth? ? ? A Mommy Makeover might be the right procedure for you. However, you have to wait at least 6 months before you can go ahead with any kind of surgery.? VIEW NOW

The Truth About Liposuction

A common misconception is that liposuction is a weight loss surgery. This is false. Liposuction can certainly help make changes in your appearance, and can especially get rid of stubborn fat that no amount of diet and exercise can seem to help. VIEW NOW


- VASER Lipo - Power Assisted Lipo - Renuvion Internal Heating - Fat Grafting to the Chest - POST-CARE Lymphatic massage, IV therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to speed up healing and limit complications. VIEW NOW

Liposuction Before and Afters

Dr Russo talks about his active 32 year old female patient, who wanted improvement in her abdomen, waist, and flanks. Watch what is recommendation was to help her get her best results! VIEW NOW

Ultra HD Lipo with BBL

Follow along as Dr. Johnn Franco performs High Definition lipo and a Brazilian butt lift with the help of our ultrasound technology. VIEW NOW

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- VASER Lipo - Power Assisted Liposuction - Renuvion Internal Heating - Fat Grafting to the hip dips - Implant exchange - POST-CARE Lymphatic massage, IV therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to speed up healing and limit complications. VIEW NOW


- SUPERMODEL LIPO - VASER Lipo - Power Assisted Liposuction - Renuvion Internal Heating - Fat Grafting to the Hip Dips and Buttocks - POST-CARE Lymphatic massage, IV therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to speed up healing and limit complications. VIEW NOW

This is the result of a 1 week post-op Scarless Rhinoplasty and neck liposuction

These pictures were taken at home by our patient, she wanted to show how great her results look only a week after her surgery. Although there is swelling and bruising present, we wanted to show the difference! VIEW NOW

Male Tummy Tuck and Liposuction after 40 lb Weight Loss

Today we have a male patient in his 40's who after years of battling obesity lost 40 lbs! He's having trouble getting rid of the remaining skin and fat on his abdomen so Dr. Katzen performs a tummy tuck procedure as well as liposuction VIEW NOW

24-Hour Liposuction

It’s important for our patients to have realistic expectations of what their recovery process will be like. We're committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals while prioritizing your health and well-being every step of the way. VIEW NOW