Implants Aren't For Everyone: Why a Breast Lift Might Be Enough

Dr. Remus Repta discusses when a patient might benefit from a breast lift alone, and when implants or fat grafting might be recommended. VIEW NOW


Breast Implant Size Options in Brazil

Dr. Nelson Dutra describes the different options available to Brazilian patients looking for breast implants. Dr. Nelson Dutra descreve as diferentes opções disponíveis para pacientes brasileiros à procura de implantes mamários. VIEW NOW

Choosing Between Saline and Silicone Breast Implants in Brazil

Dr. Nelson Dutra explica o processo de escolha entre uma solução salina e silicone implante mamário no Brasil. VIEW NOW

What Is the Difference Between Saline and Silicone Breast Implants?

Dr. Mel Ortega explains the difference between saline and silicone implants, as well as which he would recommend for certain patients and why. VIEW NOW

Breast Implants: Navigating the Sea of Options

Dr. Lauren Greenberg explains how she helps women find the right size for their breast implants. VIEW NOW

Breast Implant Sizing, Placement Within the Breast, and Scar Location

Dr. William LoVerme discusses the ins and outs of breast augmentation surgery, from choosing the best implant size to the types of incisions and scars one can expect. VIEW NOW

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Choosing Your Breast Implants' Projection, Contour, Shape, and Fullness

Dr. Steven Williams suggests ways in which both the surgeon and patient can collaborate to decide on the best implant size and type. VIEW NOW


Common Breast Implant Questions Answered

Dr. Roxanne Sylora answers several common breast implant questions, such as how to choose the right shape and size implant, whether the implants are noticeable through the skin, and what placement is best for the implant within the breast envelope. VIEW NOW

Transaxillary Breast Implants: Less Scarring Means Less Embarrassment

Dr. George Min explains why transaxillary breast implants are a great option for anyone worried about scarring, but especially for patients of Asian descent whose skin may naturally be more susceptible to dark scarring. VIEW NOW

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Pain Following Breast Augmentation? It Could Be a Sign of a Bigger Problem

Dr. Adam Oppenheimer discusses the connection between breast pain and capsular contracture after breast augmentation with breast implants. VIEW NOW


Breast Implant Risks: What Is Capsular Contracture?

Dr. Elizabeth Morgan discusses capsular contractures and which implants may carry a better track record of avoiding them. VIEW NOW

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Hardened Breasts Could Be a Sign of a Serious Implant Malfunction

One of the most common complications from breast augmentation is capsular contracture, a condition resulting in breasts that are hard, distorted, and painful. Watch Dr. Lisa Cassileth as she dissects a removed capsule. VIEW NOW


Cohesive Textured Gel "Gummy Bear" Implant

Dr. Scott Chapin demonstrates how a gel impant will keep its shape, even when the shell has been compromised, leading to a safer and longer lasting implant. VIEW NOW

Implant Rotation: How It Works With Shaped Teardrop Breast Implants

There's a new generation of shaped, or teardrop, breast implants on the market. Do they have the same problems with implant rotation as older models? Dr. Michael Law explains. VIEW NOW


I'm an Athlete and Want a Breast Augmentation — Two Tips to Consider

For those patients who are particularly athletic, Dr. Michael Law has two tips to consider for a breast augmentation including implant type and placement. VIEW NOW