Surprise guest Dr. David Rankin stopped by to have a POP UP PARTY with us in First Class!

Dr. Rankin also talks about physical-related symptoms, reasons why women come to him, and how he and his team try to address their questions and concerns. VIEW NOW

When a patien is explanted can she breastfeed?

The explantation, contrary to common misconceptions, does not hinder the natural lactation process. The reconstruction maintains the integrity of the milk-producing gland and its corresponding ducts, culminating at the nipple. VIEW NOW

Capsule Cutting~This patient recently had breast explant surgery in my office. She had 20 year old TEXTURED silicone breast implants.

The capsules were very adherent to the implants making it exceptionally difficult to peel off. Also, extreme calcification was noted. VIEW NOW

Breast Implant Exchange | Silicone Gel Implants | Dr. Moises Salama at Elite Plastic Surgery

Dr. Moises Salama performs a breast implant exchange on a patient that wants get bigger breast implants. VIEW NOW

Love your body!

Society will tell us all kinds of things. But what’s MOST important is what we tell ourselves. I love my body, and therefore my body loves me back. VIEW NOW

Healers & Heal-Liners Joy Corrigan

Here is another example from one of my amazing patients who is spreading awareness and empowering others. I have the best patients! VIEW NOW

Forgiveness & Fortitude

I am still angry at my decision to get implants, but I am also angry that we (as women) think we are informed about them. Most of us are not. ~Keri Ford VIEW NOW

The moment I found out I would no longer have to wait until 2025 for my breast explant surgery with @davidrankinmd

Originally there was a 20 mo. wait, but I was added to the cancellation list My symptoms revealed Brachial Plexus Injury which causes migraines that last days at a time. I wish I knew the truth about implants before I made my decision to get them. VIEW NOW

Happy 2 YEAR explant anniversary

In the thick of it.. I wasn’t sure if I would ever be better. thank you God for 2nd chances. if you’re in the HARD and the tunnel seems never ending-let me be your light IT DOES GET BETTER! promise VIEW NOW

The Importance of Board Certification

In the recent wake of Social Media Influencer Jacky Oh's unfortunate passing, Dr. Diaz goes over information about picking a trustworthy Plastic Surgeon for your procedure. VIEW NOW

Working Out Post Breast Augmentation

Dr. Diaz answers the commonly asked question of if you can still work out after breast augmentation surgery after implants are placed under the muscle? VIEW NOW

Part 3: RESULTS - Awake Breast Augmentation | Melissa's Procedure | Salameh Plastic Surgery | Kentucky & Indiana

Here's the 3rd part of this video sequel for our patient's awake breast augmentation procedure. All done awake, without general anesthesia. ???? Now offering an even faster recovery, take the first step toward the new you with #SalamehPlasticSurgery. VIEW NOW

Mayela Caldera Patient Testimonial

#repost • @mayelacaldera . “Mi historia“ #explantsurgery #breastimplantremoval Thank you for sharing! VIEW NOW

Patient testimonial • Thank you @candicediazblog for sharing your story with @seenstories in an effort to spread awareness.

Candice got breast implants because she felt self-conscious about her smaller breasts. But it turned into a nightmare when she experienced nerve damage and numbness, leading her to regret her decision. VIEW NOW