Trends in any kind of surgery change over time. We see this all the time in facial cosmetic surgery, in aging face surgery, in facelifts and rhinoplasty. If you look at the models in the 60s and 70s, the traditional look was a very shapely, skinny nose with a miniaturized tip, very sculpted, and a ski slope appearance. In the late 90s and 2000s, we've seen sort of this more masculinized look on female models, and we saw a more fuller tip, fuller bridge of the nose. And maybe the trend, at some point, will more likely reverse again. I think everybody in our multicultural society tries to kind of go towards the center of mass. I think those trends kind of fluctuate back and forth sort of like a pendulum that swings back and forth. I always go for a very balanced look. I don't believe in extreme looks. And so, my goal of a surgery is always to achieve a very natural, balanced result that somebody that walks downs the street and says, "Oh, you didn't have plastic surgery," but "You have a nice nose."

Rhinoplasty Trends Through the Decades and What's Next

Trends in fashion and hair change regularly throughout the years and plastic surgery is no stranger to changing trends either. Dr. Joe Shvidler talks about rhinoplasties of the past and where he thinks the future of the nose is heading.