Cosmetic tourism for plastic surgery is estimated to be about 30% of the Australian breast augmentation market and I find that a little bit disturbing and unfortunate. Many people are lured into the idea of a great holiday overseas and coming home refreshed and vamped up and having their plastic surgery so it's a trivial matter. All plastic surgery is real surgery and carries real risks. All patients should really consider the real importance of seeing a specialist plastic surgeon to discuss their operation, being involved with that plastic surgeon for their operation, and then the long term follow up that's involved. Many plastic surgeons in Sydney see the bad results of cosmetic surgery overseas that's gone wrong, and there's an increasing number of that as we're seeing patients more and more prepared to skimp on cost because they think it's going to be all okay. Make sure you do your research before you see your specialist plastic surgeon. A great place to start is the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons website, and that will give you a good overview of what's involved in our training, and why plastic surgeons in Australia offer really top end product, when compared to the overseas places. Another place to look at is the website, and that will give you a good idea of who's involved, what their services offer, and why you just need to pay more for plastic surgery in Australia than you would overseas. The most important thing for all of us is your safety. Patient safety is what drives us to offer long term follow up. I see all of my patients for a year after their operation. That's not the sort of care that you get when you fly in and fly out for a breast augmentation in Thailand.

Medical Tourism: Advice From Australia

Dr. Gavin Sandercoe discusses overseas plastic surgery and what you need to consider before traveling abroad for any operation.