Body contouring has been performed in a similar manner for the last 10, 15 years. In a way, the only thing that has changed is the technology. We haven't changed our approach. This is a completely different approach. This is a different approach in the sense that we're looking at the reasons why, the lifestyle reasons, why patients that actually developed fat have actually lost that look that they are now seeking. So what I look at is what are the lifestyle factors? What are the nutritional missing pieces that I can adjust? What are the hormonal pieces that I can adjust that will give them not only the best chance of healing well and achieving a great surgical result, but also maintain that result for years to come?

That's what I'm looking at effectively is how is this patient's nutritional status. In other words, is their blood sugar chronically elevated? If so, what is their insulin doing. All these things. I also look at vitamin D3 levels. I look at protein levels as well, too. I look at a number of things, sort of, that are going to potentially decrease their ability for long term results, long lasting results. Also, I look at, as well, too, what things can we try to titrate to affect a better result in the short run and also in the long run as well, too.

The Results of Plastic Surgery Will Always Be Better If You Focus on This...

Dr. Greg Buford discusses his novel approach to plastic surgery, which combines the usual surgical procedures with a focus on the patients' lifestyle and diet.