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*Treatment results may vary

11 days post op pictures

Hoping scars heal.

11 days post op

Putting cream on scars so they heal. It's still early so they still need to settle.

7 days post op

I am still holding a lot of water in stomach and legs as you can see. I guessing its from meds and inflammation. Not really sure but I hate the water weight. I worked out so hard at the gym so when I get my implants I will look great, but sadly now i am very bloated and plus I am not as active which does help.

I am still bruised on sides and around nipples. Skin is very sensitive and hurts. Still waiting for the one side to drop a bit more to even out but they look amazing and I love them. I feel sexier already. Breast feeding three kids over the years has taken its toll on my breast. Now I cant wait to pick out sexy clothing once everything heals.