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*Treatment results may vary

Still tender

I'm now on week # 4 post op. I'm not seeing or feeling much difference at all this week. I don't think I've dropped at all, they almost look more pointy?
I'm also feeling very tender this week. Not my muscles, but my skin and nipples hurts so bad. They feel like they are on fire I can't even touch them. Anything that touches or rubs on them hurts like mad. I thought by week 4 I'd be past this sensitive part. How long does this last?!? I can't stand it! OMG.
My incisions are closing up but still look pink/red, all the scabs are pretty much off now, so that's good. I kinda thought they'd look better by now, but that's me being impatient again lol.
I'm not going to post any pics this week just cause there really is no change. I'll post next week for sure.


I'm getting a little worried. How long does it take for feeling in my breasts to come back? I have full feeling in my nipples, but cannot feel anything below them and have some numbness under my arms. Anyone else have this? It's been over 2 weeks and there has been no change in numbness.

two weeks PO

I'm now starting to really like the size of my boobs, they finally feel like they are dropping a little and becoming slightly more round. They are still very pointy, but not as bad as they were before. I can see the light! I had my 1 week PO last week, everything went really well. Started massaging at least 2x/day. Seems to really loosen them up.

I think I may have over done it this weekend, I drove to my hometown, a 3 hr drive one way, and after driving that long I was very sore the rest of the day. My skin felt like it was on fire. It was better this am, but very firm and stiff. Fine now though.

Tonight will be my first day back at work. I'm on nights for the next few weeks so hopfully it's not too crazy busy. I'm a little apprehensive about working especially since I got so sore after driving. I guess we'll see!

Here are some pics from today. You can see they are dropping and rounding out a little, still don't like the side view lol

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
60 Four Mile Dr., Kalispell, Montana
Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

Wow. I have to say this experience so far has been amazing. Dr. Buchele is very professional, but at the same time approachable and makes you at ease even minutes before surgery lol. I would recommend him to anyone. He listens to what you want but at the same time will narrow it down and give you his experienced opinion which means the world when there are endless possibilities, shapes and sizes. He made this experience easy. A big thank you to Dr B, Sherry and Diane, as well as the beautiful, amazingly kind nurses at the surgery center in Kalispell!! You're all amazing. xoxo