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*Treatment results may vary

Never thought I would go through with it, but I...

Never thought I would go through with it, but I did - Just yesterday! Had a wonderful time during the process too, thanks to Dr Mariotti and his staff. Since my first visit with them, all proceeding encounters have been comfortable and pleasant.

I had moments when I thought maybe I shouldn't it. But I had a gut feeling that this was meant to happen for me. And I'm so glad I did! Hopefully writing about my experience will help others, like how others on this site have helped me.

Day 1 - Checked in, filled out paperwork, waited to be called. (Nerves were running wild.) They called me back, changed into a gown, and got my IV going. Dr Mariotti came in, drew on me, and the Anesthesiologist explained the procedure. The nurse wheeled me to the OR and I remember falling asleep. I woke up in recovery with boobs! The nurses layered me with warm blankets and blew warm air underneath. It was wonderful. I was groggy from the meds. I was in pain but it wasn't so bad. No nausea.

Today is day 2. I woke up at 1am aching, and took my pain meds. Woke up again at 5am with pressure pain on my chest, sternum, and achy ribs down both sides. I read that this is normal.

I posted before pics of me. The after ones coming soon. Too achy and sleepy at the moment.

Day after photos

Feels tight, ribs are painful, and feel lots of pressure on sternum area.

Day 3

Woke up today feeling better than yesterday. The pain has subsided and I've been doing my massages, which hurt a lot but it must be done. I'm going to try and not take anymore pain meds, but we will see. I was able to get out of bed on my own finally! Yay!

As far as the girls, my right side seems to be more sore than the other side. It's even more stiff when I do the exercises. The incision sites look good and no bruising that I can see. I still have a little soreness around the rib and sternum area but its not as bad as yesterday. Pics to come.

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2222 East St., Concord, California
Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

Wonderful Dr with a great staff!