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*Treatment results may vary

I've done many different types of injections over...

I've done many different types of injections over the last five years and Voluma is by far my favorite. It lasts well over a year & Dr. Ford has always been great about placement of the product. I am very confident in his recommendations & have always been pleased throughout the years. His trained eye and gentle hand has given me great results...couldn't be happier!

Dr Ford

Once again Dr. Christian Ford gave me cheekbones that others have complimented as my own!! His precision of placement makes all the difference. Thank you DR FORD!

Provider Review

80 Washington St., Norwell, Massachusetts
Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

Dr. Christian Ford is The best of the best!