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*Treatment results may vary

I had lost more than just the baby weight but the...

I had lost more than just the baby weight but the loose skin wouldn't go away. I thought long and hard about it but finally decided to do it when thinking of how I would feel in 10 years if I didn't do it now while the opportunity was there. Dr. Erella did a great job explaining everything that would be done during the procedure and how to prepare for the time afterwards. My initial reaction to seeing the area a few days after the procedure was sadness thinking "what have I done?!", as soon as the tape came off and I could stand up straight my thoughts completely changed to "I love it." I'm so glad that I did this now instead of waiting! I can enjoy the results for the rest of my life!

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
3207 Ranch Rd. 620 S, Austin, Texas
Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

He gave detailed information about the procedure and recovery. He has a good bedside manner as well. He keeps track of your healing and follow up appointments.