Amber Kim, RN at AS3 Medical Spa - Fullerton

3828 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, California
Medical Director: Kevin Do, MD

Amber Kim, RN at AS3 Medical Spa - Fullerton

3828 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, California
Medical Director: Kevin Do, MD
Phone: (323) 716-1103
Phone: (323) 716-1103


tue9:00am - 6:00pm
thu9:00am - 6:00pm
sat9:00am - 6:00pm


Kevin Do, MD
Board Certified Internist

Hello, I'm Dr. Kevin Do, MD at AS3 Korean Med Spa in Fullerton, CA. My team specializes in advanced injectable treatments such as Bellafill, Restylane, HA fillers, BOTOX, and Jeuveau. We focus on providing personalized care, addressing concerns like acne, wrinkles, and facial enhancement using dermal fillers and botulinum toxin injections. Additionally, we're highly experienced in cutting-edge Carbon Peel Nd:YAG Laser Treatments and microneedling with Reblocell's EGF for skin rejuvenation, targeting aging spots and melasma. Offering free consultations and bilingual support, our goal is to deliver exceptional care and results to all our patients.



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2 Q&A

Q: Does Jeuveau require more units than Dysport?
Answered by Daniel KimJune 6, 2023

A: The unit comparisons between Jeuveau and Dysport aren't straightforward due to differences in formulation, potency, and units of measure. However, as a general rule, Jeuveau is about twice as potent as Dysport, meaning your treatment of 25 units of Jeuveau on each side of your jaw might indeed offer a comparable, if not potentially greater, effect than your previous 60 units of Dysport.

The comparison you've made translates to approximately 100 units of Dysport when considering Jeuveau's potency. That said, individual responses to these treatments can vary widely, so it's essential to monitor your results and discuss any changes or concerns with your healthcare provider. They will help adjust your dosage to find the optimal amount for your desired outcome.

Q: How do Sculptura and Bellafill compare?
Answered by Daniel KimJune 4, 2023

A: Sculptra and Bellafill are both effective bio-stimulatory fillers capable of addressing the sunken areas on your cheeks and temples.

Sculptra, composed of poly-L-lactic acid, works gradually to stimulate collagen growth and improve skin texture and volume. While Sculptra has shown positive results for you, it's true that its effects typically last up to 2 years, necessitating repeat treatments.

On the other hand, Bellafill, which combines collagen gel and PMMA microspheres, provides both an immediate plumping effect and prolonged collagen growth over time. While Bellafill is commonly used for treating acne scars, it's equally effective in addressing facial volume loss. A key advantage is its long-lasting results, potentially enduring for 5 years or more.

In essence, Bellafill could be a suitable option if you're looking for a longer-lasting solution to Sculptra. However, this decision should be made in consultation with a skilled injector who can assess your specific needs and guide you accordingly.