AccuTite: What You Need to Know

Written byMelanie RudUpdated on February 21, 2024
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Written byMelanie RudUpdated on February 21, 2024
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AccuTite, also known as InMode AccuTite or Baby FaceTite, is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis—or RFAL—to tighten skin and destroy fat cells. Dr. Scott K. Thompson, a facial plastic surgeon in Layton, Utah, calls AccuTite “a cutting-edge technology that delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy below the skin’s surface, causing the skin and underlying tissue to contract for a tighter, more contoured appearance.” The heat contracts existing collagen fibers and stimulates new collagen production over time. 

It’s the smallest device of its kind, making it ideal for smaller, targeted areas on the face, neck, and body with mild skin laxity. The fat is then either sucked out (as it would be with liposuction) or absorbed back into the body and naturally metabolized.

Compared to its sister procedure FaceTite, AccuTite works especially well for small areas with some excess fat and sagging skin. On the face, this includes the brows, upper and lower eyelids, smile lines, nasolabial folds,  the lower face, jowls, and jawline. On the body, it can be used to address unwanted fat and loose skin along the back (including bra fat), the upper arms, hands, or knees.

Along with its size, AccuTite stands out among other facial contouring and skin tightening devices for its safeguards, Dr. Thompson says. “This machine has built-in safeguards that protect the patient from possible burning by turning off the RF energy if it gets too hot.” 

Plus, compared to nonsurgical energy-based fat-reduction and skin-tightening treatments, which typically require multiple sessions, you’ll obtain AccuTite results after a single treatment. However, results won't be as significant as with surgical procedures, such as a facelift, neck lift, or blepharoplasty.

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  • Average Cost:
  • $2,375
  • Range:
  • $1,092 - $7,000

Your cost will depend on your provider’s level of experience, their practice location, the size of the treatment area, and a few other key factors.

See our complete guide to AccuTite costs

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The AccuTite photos in our gallery have been shared by the provider who performed the procedure, with the patient's consent.

AccuTite treatments are done in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia. It usually takes less than 20 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. 

The cannula or probe of the handpiece is inserted under the skin, while an electrode is placed on top of the skin. The radiofrequency energy flows between the two, liquefying fat cells and tightening the skin. This energy creates a lot of heat, but the device features a built-in temperature cutoff that automatically shuts it down if it gets too hot, so there’s no risk of burning. The melted fat is suctioned out with the cannula.

According to Dr. Thompson, “AccuTite requires two to three days of downtime with some possible bruising that may last up to ten days. Exercise should also be avoided for approximately one week after treatment.” 

Other than that, you should be able to go about your normal activities after those initial few days of rest.

It takes time for collagen to form, but you can expect to see subtle skin-contraction results within the first week “and about 60-70% more by week six,” according to Dr. Thompson. “The great thing about AccuTite is that tightening and contouring will continue for up to 9 to 12 months post treatment.” 

RealSelf Tip: Dr. Thompson often combines AccuTite with injectable fillers to fine-tune results. “Having the ability to use both allows for total facial rejuvenation and natural results with little risk and little downtime,” he says.

AccuTite results are permanent, as long as you don’t gain a significant amount of weight, which can increase the size of the remaining fat cells and undo the results of body contouring.

Updated February 21, 2024



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