Subbio Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa

3734 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania

Subbio Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa

3734 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania


mon9:00am - 5:00pm
tue9:00am - 5:00pm
wed9:00am - 5:00pm
thu9:00am - 5:00pm
fri9:00am - 2:00pm


Christian Subbio, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Artistic Talent Safety Meticulousness These are some of the qualities in which I pride myself. Though I ultimately decided to go to medical school instead of art school, I bring the same attention to detail and aesthetics to my work.

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9 Q&A

Q: Is my lip infected from lip filler? I had my lip filler done on Friday, so 3 days ago.
Answered by Jan CostaMarch 13, 2018

A: It could just be the bruise healing, but the top right looks like you may be getting a “cold sore”. Has that ever happened before? If so, call your injector’s office immediately, tell them you think you’re getting a cold sore and they should start you on an antiviral. 

Assuming you get treated again with filler in the future, your provider should start you on the antiviral prophylacticly prior to the treatment. 

Good luck! 

Jan Costa BSN, RN 

Q: I got Botox yesterday at 4pm and I still have bumps on my forehead from each injection site. Is this normal? (Photo)
Answered by Jan CostaMarch 13, 2018

A: Hi! If you bled assume they are bruises and they will go away in 3-5 days. Do not apply heat to a bruise it will only make it worse. Avoid blood thinners like aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol, fish oil etc. until they disappear. Apply ice to minimize the swelling. 

Good Luck! 

Jan Costa BSN RN

Q: Would I benefit from Botox injected to bilateral masseter? 27-yr-old female and want to make my face more feminine. (photo)
Answered by Jan CostaMarch 12, 2018

A: I definitely recommend trying Botox before consider jaw surgery. Obviously Botox is less invasive and there is no down time associated with the injections. 2-4 months after your first treatment, a second treatment may be needed to relax the muscles even further. Once the desired “look” is achieved subsequent injections can be spaced approximately 4-6 months apart. 

Good luck! 

Jan Costa BSN, RN

Q: Is preventive Botox at 18 too young? (photos)
Answered by Jan CostaMarch 12, 2018

A: Prevention is key to keeping your skin looking youthful and wrinkle free. As mentioned previously, medical grade skin care products and sun screen will keep your skin healthy. Additionally, hydration, diet and adding antioxidants will keep your skin looking fresh every day. A small amount of Botox will relax the frontalis (forehead muscle) so the line you see forming will not only soften or disappear but it will not get any deeper. 

Good Luck! 

Jan Costa BSN, RN 

Q: Is it normal to see and feel a slight tube-shaped feeling under the after Volbella injections in tear trough?
Answered by Jan CostaMarch 7, 2018

A: If your provider used a cannula you may feel and see a tube shaped area in the region where the skin is especially thin. It can be a deep bruise, tissue trauma from the cannula or Volbella placed too superficially. If it is a bruise or tissue trauma it should subside in 2-4 weeks. Follow up with your injector at the 2 week mark if it is still visible or if you develop pain just to be safe.