Vanquish: What You Need to Know

Medically reviewed by Grace Liu, MDDermatologic Surgeon, Board Certified in Dermatology
Written byMari MalcolmUpdated on December 29, 2023
RealSelf ensures that an experienced doctor who is trained and certified to safely perform this procedure has reviewed this information for medical accuracy.You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.
Medically reviewed by Grace Liu, MDDermatologic Surgeon, Board Certified in Dermatology
Written byMari MalcolmUpdated on December 29, 2023
RealSelf ensures that an experienced doctor who is trained and certified to safely perform this procedure has reviewed this information for medical accuracy.You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.

Vanquish ME is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment that's FDA-cleared for fat reduction on the abdomen and thighs.

Developed by BTL Aesthetics, the Vanquish device uses radiofrequency energy to heat the fat layer below the skin and cause fat-cell death (apoptosis). The lymphatic system gradually purges these dead fat cells over the next three months.

Vanquish achieves deep-tissue heating through a contactless applicator design that treats large areas of the body and “allows for the safe delivery of RF energy over the entire midsection,” explains Dr. Christopher Maloney Jr, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Tucson, Arizona. “There’s no anesthesia, pain medication, or downtime required for treatment," Dr. Maloney explains. He also notes that his patients “have shown lasting results when maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a smart diet and exercise regimen.”

Like other body sculpting treatments, this is not a weight loss solution: it's intended to treat stubborn areas of excess fat.

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  • This noninvasive fat reduction treatment is less expensive and comes with fewer side effects than surgical fat removal procedures like liposuction. 
  • Recovery time after a Vanquish ME session is minimal, so it can even be done over a lunch break.
  • The device’s applicators can cover an area 5.5" wide and 27" long, so it can treat larger areas in one 60-minute session than many other nonsurgical fat-reduction devices.
  • There’s no risk of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), a rare side effect of fat-freezing treatments like CoolSculpting, which can occasionally result in unwanted fat growth. 
  • Unlike most other body sculpting options, it doesn't have a maximum BMI limit.
  • While recent reviews are scarce, patient satisfaction is relatively high: Vanquish has an 80% Worth It Rating on RealSelf.


  • Some RealSelf reviewers who rated it “Not Worth It” reported lackluster results, or say it was more painful than they'd expected. 
  • Small areas of fat necrosis, which feel like hard lumps under the skin, can develop. They usually resolve over time with the help of massage. 
  • Most treatment plans involve multiple sessions over several weeks for optimal results, which can get expensive.

  • Average Cost:
  • $2,100
  • Range:
  • $750 - $4,500

Your Vanquish treatment cost will depend on the size and number of treated areas, the number of treatment sessions you need, your provider’s credentials, and their location.

Most practices offer a discounted price if you purchase a package up-front.

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The Vanquish photos in our gallery have been shared by the provider who performed the procedure, with the patient's consent.

Radiofrequency (RF) energy is often used in skin tightening treatments, and doctors on RealSelf have reported mild improvements in skin laxity in the targeted areas after a Vanquish treatment.

However, this device primarily targets the fat layer.

If skin tightening is your primary goal, talk with your provider about treatments that specifically address skin laxity.

Each Vanquish treatment session takes 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. Here’s what to expect.

  • First, your provider will take your measurements and record your weight, hydration level, and fat percentage.
  • You’ll lie down on the treatment bed, and a technician will position the device above the targeted areas of stubborn fat.
  • The device will emit RF energy, heating your skin to 101ÂşF and the underlying fat layer to 120ÂşF.
  • Some people feel a warm sensation with little discomfort, while other reviewers say the heat is moderately painful (even though the treatment is frequently marketed as “pain-free”). If it feels too painful to you, let your provider know so they can adjust the settings.
  • Afterward, you should be able to resume normal activities right away.

RealSelf Tip: Before your appointment (and for at least two days afterward), hydrate extremely well. This speeds up the metabolic process of fat cell breakdown and removal.

Related: How to Speed Up Your Lymphatic System Post Body Contouring

Most providers recommend a series of four to six Vanquish treatments, spaced one week apart, for optimal results.

That said, some people do notice a mild improvement a few weeks after after a single round of Vanquish.

Vanquish side effects are typically mild.

  • You may notice warmth, pinkness, or swelling of the treated area for a few minutes to a couple hours after treatment.
  • Some patients feel areas of firmness. Light massage can help smooth them out.

Prior to your treatment, your provider should ensure that you’re a good candidate. It’s not recommended for patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or who have any metal implantable devices (such as a copper IUD).

As we mentioned earlier, most reviewers on RealSelf say Vanquish ME works: it has a respectably high Worth It Rating.

“A realistic expectation with a series of four to six treatments is around 2 inches lost around the abdomen,” says Dr. Kevin Haney, a board-certified physician in Rogers, Arkansas. “The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published the first long-term fat reduction study [showing that] BTL Vanquish ME patients maintained 75% of their initial body contouring results four years later.”

You may notice some improvement within two to three weeks after your first treatment, but you won’t see optimal results until two to three months after your final treatment. It takes this long for the body to metabolize and eliminate the dead fat cells, according to doctors on RealSelf.

If you’re looking for more dramatic, immediate results, consider liposuction, which sucks out excess fat via a thin tube. This tried-and-true surgical procedure delivers greater fat reduction more quickly than any noninvasive option.

“Most patients want body contouring, and there are very few body shaping options with noninvasive devices. They all require multiple treatments, with weeks of wait time for the results, and can cost more money in the long run than liposuction,” explains Dr. Jason Emer, a board-certified dermatologist in West Hollywood, California.

Once you destroy a fat cell, it's gone, so your results should last for as long as you maintain a healthy diet and keep exercising.

Fat cells that remain in or around the treatment area can expand if you gain weight, which can lead to contour irregularities and asymmetry.

Vanquish has several advantages over CoolSculpting.

  • It has a larger applicator, so it can treat a larger surface area more quickly.
  • It delivers a circumferential fat reduction (all the way around a body area), while CoolSculpting offers more of a spot treatment.
  • It’s less painful because it’s contactless. With CoolSculpting, fat is sucked into an applicator before being frozen and then vigorously kneaded.
  • It can treat people with a higher BMI. 
  • It is not associated with the potential for paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), an overgrowth of fat.
  • Reviewers on RealSelf give CoolSculpting a lower Worth It Rating.

However, there are still many providers who recommend fat freezing. "There are more research studies validating the results of CoolSculpting than any other nonsurgical fat reduction device out there," says board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Camp, who practices in Fort Worth, Texas.

Liposuction can remove significantly more body fat in one procedure than noninvasive treatments. It’s more expensive (than a single noninvasive treatment), and it requires anesthesia and about a week of downtime. But if you’re a good candidate, the results can be dramatic and predictable. 

UltraShape uses ultrasound vibration to break down fat cells on the stomach, hips, and thighs. 

SculpSure uses diode-laser energy to permanently destroy fat cells. It can be used on common problem areas, like the abdomen for muffin tops and love handles, on the flanks, on the back, on the inner and outer thighs, and under the chin.

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Updated December 29, 2023



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