Skin Peel

A nice and easy way to rejuvenate your skin and freshen your appearance. I take steps to maximize results while lowering discomfort and downtime. It's important to be patient with the process and follow my routine. VIEW NOW

IPL vs. Lasers

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. Instead of a very specific target, like a laser beam, it's more like a flashlight. The light hits many things, but not with laser accuracy. Each laser has a very specific chromophore or target. VIEW NOW

The V-Beam Laser

The V-Beam laser is designed to specifically treat vascular issues of the face, such as rosacea, spider veins and general redness. The treatment is safe, easy and fast. Most patients see a significant difference after single session. VIEW NOW

Minimize Acne and Facial Redness With A Customized Laser Treatment

Dr. Monica Boen demonstrates a Vbeam Prima laser treatment on a female patient's face. Vbeam Prima treatments are quick, effective, and relatively pain-free. VIEW NOW

Facial Contouring, Rejuvenation, and Characteristics (focussing on the lips and nose).

Elegantly refining a person's facial characteristics requires consideration not only of the person's desired transformation, nor only about correcting obvious signs of ageing, but also evaluating proportion and balance, e.g. respecting ethnicity. VIEW NOW

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Acne Scarring Treatment

Watch Dr. Wu treat acne scars with several different lasers for the best results. Dr. Wu starts with a VBeam laser to reduce the redness. Then he uses a radio frequency micro-needling procedure to stimulate collagen and fill in those acne scars. VIEW NOW

VBeam for broken capillaries

Laser to treat rosacea, broken capillaries, couperose, veins, red acne scars, warts, cherry angiomas and all vascular lesions VIEW NOW

Treating Rosacea with Pulsed Dye Lasers

A description of pulsed dye laser treatment for Rosacea. Candela Vbeam and Cynosure Vstar laser treatments for Rosacea. VIEW NOW

Cherry Angiomas Removal using V-Beam Laser | Clinique Chloe

Cherry angiomas (small red dots often found on the face and chest) are small, dilated blood vessels that appear in both women and men. The v-beam laser is one of the best and easiest technologies to treat these lesions as well as spider angiomas. VIEW NOW

Acne Laser Removal using V-Beam Laser | Clinique Chloe

Inflammatory acne and residual redness or red marks left on the skin after an episode of acne can be disfiguring for many patients. This condition can be effectively treated with the v-beam perfecta laser. VIEW NOW

Rosacea Laser Treatment using V-Beam Laser | Clinique Chloe

Rosacea is characterized by redness, pimples and small dilated blood vessels on the surface of the skin (most often on the nose, cheeks and chin). It is a chronic inflammatory disease, which means that we can control it, but not cure it. VIEW NOW

Cherry Angiomas Removal using V-Beam Laser | Clinique Chloe

Cherry angiomas (small red dots often found on the face and chest) are small, dilated blood vessels that appear in both women and men. The v-beam laser is one of the best and easiest technologies to treat these benign lesions. VIEW NOW

Acne Laser Removal using V-Beam Laser | Clinique Chloe

Inflammatory acne and residual redness or red marks left on the skin after an episode of acne can be disfiguring for many patients. This condition can be effectively treated with the v-beam perfecta laser. VIEW NOW

Rosacea Laser Treatment using V-Beam Laser | Clinique Chloe

Rosacea is characterized by redness, pimples and small dilated blood vessels on the surface of the skin (most often on the nose, cheeks and chin). It is a chronic inflammatory disease, which means that we can control it, but not cure it. VIEW NOW