Procedures I'm known for

Breast Surgery
I feel it is important to achieve a natural appearance after any plastic surgery, and breast enhancement is no different. After reviewing your goals and wishes, your procedure is designed and any implant needed is carefully sized based on your tissue measurements. Many of my breast augmentation patients wish to look like they do in their padded bra, but without the padding. Implant choices are reviewed with you in detail and we guide you through the selection process together to optimize your result. Every step is taken during your surgery to speed the recovery process with an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol and to decrease your risk of capsular contracture, including nipple shields and no-touch technique. We have also prepared several videos, which I call "The thoughtful patients guide to plastic surgery" to help you understand the process and step by step recovery that are helpful for you to review before you see us in the office and again before your surgery.
Abdominoplasty is a procedure that we commonly perform in men and women to correct loose skin and bulging and laxity of the abdomen either after weight gain and loss or pregnancy. The best candidates have a BMI of 30 or less, with my personal preference for 28 or less in most cases. Your procedure is customized based on your goals and anatomy. EXPAREL is used during surgery to speed your recovery and decrease your need for narcotics after surgery. Proper scar placement is critical and is typically low in a "thong" position. Patients report that they love to be able to wear fitted clothes again, and to feel comfortable in a bathing suit that displays their new look.
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