Hey, this is Dr. Rick, here again for question of the week. I often get the question whether a patient thinks they're a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck. And that's a question that really is not too difficult to answer after examining the patient. Most patients who are concerned about laxity to the skin above and below the belly button require a full tummy tuck procedure. And that's because to get rid of your loose skin above the belly button, you have to elevate all of the skin up to the rib cage in order to pull it tight and get rid of all of the excess skin. Also, in addition, those patients usually require some kind of tightening to the muscles above the belly button. For those patients who have just skin laxity below the belly button, they are possibly a good candidate for just a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck doesn't require us to have to move the belly button and reposition it on the abdominal wall. So if you just have laxity of the skin below the belly button and you only want to get rid of that small excess skin below the belly button, the mini tummy tuck may be the procedure for you. Very few people do qualify for that type of a procedure, most need a full tummy tuck. But if you want to know if you're a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck, comes see me. We'll see you next week.

Tummy Tuck Type Dependent on Skin Laxity

Dr. Richard Brown discusses candidates for a mini and candidates for a full tummy tuck and how each procedure differs.