Phaedra: What is the top surgery for someone who has experienced traumatic weight loss?

Dr. Robert: The most commonly requested procedure is usually some sort of torso or body contouring of the mid section. Tummy tucks are way up on the list. Body lifts are also very, very common. Body lift is essentially a tummy tuck that goes all the way around the body from back to front. That's the work course procedure because it lifts the interior thighs, it contours the tummy, the love handle areas, the back, the lateral thighs, and it helps lift the buttocks. That's why it's become the go-to procedure for body contouring, but not all patients want to have that long scar and/or may not need it. Doing a tummy tuck in combination with liposuction or what we call lipoabdominoplasty is a very effective procedure that has really risen in popularity even in this patient population.

What's the Top Surgery After Weight Loss? Real Housewives of Atlanta's Phaedra Parks Gets the Answer

Real Housewives of Atlanta's Phaedra Parks interviews Dr. Robert Centeno about the most commonly requested body contouring procedure after weight loss.